a Chunk
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Sep 30, 2024 at 3:10 PM
Oct 8, 2011
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a Chunk

Blockout Artist

Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

My new Home - Come check it out if you're interested in Level Design or Game Design: http://www.nextleveldesign.org/ Jun 22, 2019

a Chunk was last seen:
Sep 30, 2024 at 3:10 PM
    1. a Chunk
      a Chunk
    2. a Chunk
      1. a Chunk likes this.
      2. a Chunk
        a Chunk
        Very cool!! Thanks
        Oct 30, 2018
    4. Stevo
      lol are you trolling people by liking every comment in that recent announcement thread? xD
      1. a Chunk likes this.
      2. a Chunk
        a Chunk
        lol. It's an old habit from I have from being on the staff for so long. I sometimes go into auto Like mode in announcement threads.
        May 15, 2018
        Stevo likes this.
      Did you see my message on xbox about your map?
      1. a Chunk
        a Chunk
        I haven't turned on my Xbox I so long, lol. I'll try to check it out this weekend. Or you can just repeat it here. ;)
        Aug 12, 2017
        I'd like to use your map winsome melody to finish a map of mine. Parts of your map I quite enjoy, thought I'd ask first
        Aug 12, 2017
        a Chunk likes this.
      3. a Chunk
        a Chunk
        Yes, absolutely. Feel free.
        Aug 12, 2017
        CANADIAN ECHO likes this.
    6. Buddy Jumps
      Buddy Jumps
      Hey man, I wanna use your red map for the second Forge Diversity video, if I ever make one. Do you still have it? :)
      1. a Chunk
      2. Buddy Jumps
        Buddy Jumps
        Didn't work, but I got it. Thanks!
        Jun 21, 2017
        a Chunk likes this.
    7. a Chunk
    8. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      Building a bunch of blockouts
    9. AlexVan123
      Welcome back to regular staff mode!
      1. a Chunk likes this.
    10. creation343
      Hi. Can you delete my maps, my games-modes, my account, etc... in Forgehub, because i have delete my xbox live account. Thanks.
      1. II SEGA USA II likes this.
    11. Xandrith
      You're a scrub
      1. a Chunk
        a Chunk
        I know. :(
        Jul 11, 2016
    12. Soldat Du Christ
      Soldat Du Christ
      Sorry not trying to spam, just wanted to finish my though, in the hopes that you take away somthing from the disscusion. Thanks man
    13. Soldat Du Christ
      Soldat Du Christ
      If you don't agree with that philosphy than you would admit to there being a objective standerd. And that doesn't neccecarily mean your decitions are less genuine. In fact more so. Objective morality doesn't get rid of free will
      1. a Chunk
        a Chunk
        I feel that goodness is either a natural expression of a persons being, or its not. How goodness unfolds is not as obvious as saying a good person does this or that. And it's not the case that every time an act is performed that most people agree is 'good', that the person performing the act is actually good. It's very possible for someone you would consider 'evil' to perform 'good' acts.
        Jun 14, 2016
      2. a Chunk
        a Chunk
        So what use is objective morality when it's impossible for us as nonobjective beings to distinguish it from fake morality. I'm not saying objective morality doesn't exist. It just has no meaning in the context of the lifetime of a nonobjective being, because how does such a being distinguish objective from nonobjective? I feel it's not possible.
        Jun 14, 2016
      3. a Chunk
        a Chunk
        Expecting me to be concerned about objective morality is like expecting a color blind person to be concerned about what shade of red their car is.
        Jun 14, 2016
    14. Soldat Du Christ
      Soldat Du Christ
      But on a side note i just want to send you off with a reminder, the 'as above, so below' and 'do as thou wilt' philosphys are litteraly about being your own god. Deciding what you think is right or wrong. It is the philosophy of satan. Just googling those philosophys and you find discusting imagery and selfish moral code. The same sort of reasoning used by pedophilies and murderers.
    15. Soldat Du Christ
      Soldat Du Christ
      Couldn't you've just deleted that post, maybe block users from certain threads? Just wondering if it's was an option.
    16. Box Knows
      Box Knows
      Hey, I forgot my password for Box_Knows and do not have the email to verify the password reset. I believe I had a similar issue before and you somehow transferred all of my content to my new account? If so, can you please do that again? If i am imagining things...then oh well :/
      1. a Chunk
        a Chunk
        Just boarding a plane now. I'll get it sorted out later this evening. ;)
        Jun 5, 2016
        Box Knows likes this.
    17. ARNDT I A BOSS
      Hey Chunk, on the top of my forgehub account it shows a CSS Error: EWR porta2 etc etc... message. Is there something I need to do to get rid of this? It might be screwing up my download link to one of my maps. If you could help that would be awesome! Thanks!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ARNDT I A BOSS
        ARNDT I A BOSS
        I uploaded a map last night and the link has not been working since. I can add the link somewhere else so people can get it. Thanks for the help!
        Jun 2, 2016
        a Chunk likes this.
      3. a Chunk
        a Chunk
        Okay. There was a short stretch of time yesterday when it WAS affecting download links. Looks like you may have posted during that time period. :(
        As I mentioned above, we'll be having a site update that will allow download links to be updated at some point (hopefully in June, but not 100% sure on that). Sorry about the problem.
        Jun 2, 2016
        ARNDT I A BOSS likes this.
      4. ARNDT I A BOSS
        ARNDT I A BOSS
        Not a problem! I got a link that works in my description!
        Jun 2, 2016
    18. creation343
      URGENT: Can you delete in "Maps", Crash Studios (Core) ?
      1. a Chunk likes this.
      2. creation343
        (Named "error")
        May 26, 2016
      3. a Chunk
        a Chunk
        Got it. Thanks for letting me know. :)
        May 26, 2016
    19. Frilent
      1. a Chunk
        a Chunk
        There's currently a bug on the site that can prevent people from updating their download link, but I haven't heard of any issues when a map is originally submitted with a download link.
        Try using the 'Update Map' option to update your download link. No guarantees it will work, but it's worth a try. If it doesn't work, we have site update in the works for sometime in June that should allow you to update it.
        May 25, 2016
    20. ReinaStorm
      The download link to one of my maps is taking the page to the wrong map. And I don't know how to fix it. I tried changing it in the "Edit Map" settings, but it won't change where the link takes you to.
      1. ReinaStorm
        Nevermind. I finally got it fixed. Sorry to bug
        May 8, 2016
        a Chunk likes this.
      2. a Chunk
        a Chunk
        No Worries. Sorry I wasn't around when you were having problems. I'm glad you got it figured out. :)
        May 9, 2016
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