I was wondering if you could show me or write out each script and description of what you did for the automatic doors? I'm trying to do it for a map of mine and I can't seem to get it right.
Thank you so much!! This has been a huge help!! If I have any trouble, would you mind helping me out??
Wyvern that Altar map is truly spectacular. The additional terrain changes made from the basic Sandtrap design greatly enhance the CTF experience, and more than suffice for replacing the Halo 3 Elephants. It is probably my favorite BTB map, as Sandtrap from Halo 3 was a treasure to many of us. I would like to see it on forge hub, too! 10/10 good job
Hey Wyvern. So i'm new to forge. And i'd like to think that I want to become well versed in map making. Not only as a way I can provide awesome stuff for the Halo community, but it would actually help with certain aspects of my Game Development course. And I guess i'm asking for a request to check out my "Broadens" map. I want to get the opinion of a professional forger. Keep making awesome maps.
I'm not a professional forger but I'll take a look at your map when I have time! (I'm currently in the process in moving into a new flat). :)
No rush. But thanks for the reply. Pro Forger or not you're pretty damn good, and I've heard your name pop up a lot on the YouTube forge channels. I figure someone who can replicate Sandtrap must have a decent idea of the type of things you look for in a Map. But yeah awesome. Can't wait.
I saw your map on YouTube! It looks anazing! I'm so happy you took the time to make it. Will you be making more?
Thanks! I'm glad you like the map. Yeah my plan is to remake Guardian, Highground and Valhalla. I'm also working on a H5 version of Sandtrap.