Jul 28, 2011
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Cartographer, Male, from State College, PA

The Creator Forge Critic

Traveling east coast tomorrow to visit the family in Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving! Nov 22, 2016

    1. Chronmeister
      Nevermind, got it.
    2. Chronmeister
      Is there a place to sign up for the next Flag lobby yet? I'd like to get in a little earlier in the rotation this time.
    3. Xandrith
      How about the emote just be b&rith in some sort o' font?
    4. MultiLockOn
      How could I submit a map to you for HCS :) if its not too late that is
      1. WAR likes this.
      2. WAR
        just make a comment in the official HCS thread describing why you think your map should be considered and provide a hyperlink to your map page.
        Mar 18, 2015
    5. UndeadKillerQc
      So i submitted a map for the 1v1 contest called Matrix, but i want to delete it and submit it again but i don't see the option to delete a submitted map anywhere, what can i do? should i just submit it again anyway?
      1. WAR likes this.
      2. WAR
        I think you can just edit the map you submitted...would that accomplish what you want to do?
        Feb 25, 2015
    6. Stevo
      Yo, dude... What is with the custom title "Forge Critic"? What does it mean? Is it based off of post count or something else?
      1. WAR
        It is a title that enables your votes and ratings for maps to have 2.5 times more weight than standard users.
        Feb 25, 2015
      2. Stevo
        Ah... interesting. So what qualifies members for that?
        Mar 5, 2015
      3. SecretSchnitzel
        Is the 2.5 weighting still a thing? I did the math on one of my reviews and it appears not to be the case.
        Jan 25, 2016
    7. adderrson
      Remake ÆTHEIST for H2:A Pl0x?
      1. WAR likes this.
    8. Buddy Jumps
      Buddy Jumps
      Something like Brimstone in the 1v1 contest? :P
      1. WAR likes this.
      2. WAR
        Not in the contest but I'll think about it. None of the staff are able to win prizing. They are however thinking of making some maps for the tournament portion of this thing.
        Jan 26, 2015
      3. Buddy Jumps
        Buddy Jumps
        Well, my idea was a volcanic map. I'll put as much effort into it as I can, so definitely watch out for a map called 'Magma'. :D
        Jan 26, 2015
    9. purely fat
      purely fat
      I think it is pretty fun. They are not being very creative with the map pool, but that is is not a terrible thing since 343 cannot design an original map themselves that is any good. My major complaint is that every gun seems to have as much bullet magnetism as the H4 railgun. The hit boxes seem messed up a little bit as well.
    10. purely fat
      purely fat
      I figured as much. I saw that you go to lurk mode. I was getting off soon anyways at that point.
    11. Hogframe
      Hey is there any way for me to send you a private message?

      I really need to talk to a staff member about something.
    12. REMkings
      Haha, thanks for the compliments. I've been thinking about it, but at the moment I'm just too busy to be able to handle it. Plus, I have limited access to my xbox (only in the weekends). Maybe in a couple of months, if they need more/new members.
      And Elliot (El Trocity) is going for Journo too so if he gets accepted there will be an Infection guy in staff anyway.
    13. REMkings
      I think you're addressing the wrong guy. I'm not from staff. ;)
      I really like what you're doing though. I already voted a while back.
    14. Organite
      Sounds interesting.
      I'd be interested in knowing what kind of Forge related stuff you are speaking about, but I do have to let you know that any sort of partnership or affiliation has to be run by an admin. More importantly, it has to be run by Shock Theta who we all know is slightly MIA at the moment.
    15. Organite
      There's been some debate on it and we're still not sure honestly.
      The problem with a BoF 13 is that was smack dab in the middle of a transition between halo games.
      I think at this rate, IF we have one it'll be co-Ed between Reach and H4.
      Which could be interesting.
    16. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      No invitation necessary, just sign up. It shouldn't be a black screen, unless you're using internet explorer or another bad browser, or your flash player isn't up to date
    17. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
    18. Psychoduck
      Hmm, validation seems to be taking it's time. I received the e-mail and have now been confirmed of being validated twice, but am still unable to post anything. I guess it just needs some time.
    19. RightSideTheory
      I'll definitely suggest that he do that.

      There's no way we should let our last match end with a coin toss, or something silly like that.
    20. RightSideTheory
      Hey there WARHOLIC, mind if I ask how the game with Shanon is going/went/didn't go?
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    State College, PA
    Level Designer
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    "Design is intelligence made visible." - Alina Wheeler


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