for the different master chief head, plz go here: after Ninja finishes that, plz give it to me, and ill get started!
Hey!! Do you know when your posting a map and download link? How do you make it like this. Download: Click here! Like put the download link in the word(s)
Yeah lets BE BEST HOMIES YA! Alright Message me on Xbox, I have to del33t someone, my tag: HellsRequiemAMX
Out of all my friends..........You're the only one online. :( I'm lonely!! BOO WHOO OH BOO WHOO (Crying)
BTW, I hardly go on it. so you will be pure lucky if we're both online at the same time. I will send you My E-Mail in Private Messages.
Yes I do have MSN but no I don't have a facebook or a myspace. Sorry. If you want to add me on MSN Then I will send you my E-Mail In Private Messages.
I have to block off the Un-Needed part of Foundry and Place Gametype spawn Points and Normal Spawn Points on the map, Then it will be FINISHED! I have been working on it since Yesterday. [IMG]