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Jul 26, 2022 at 9:49 PM
May 19, 2012
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Mhmm., from Kentucky Deluxe

Forge Critic Senior Member
Dax was last seen:
Jul 26, 2022
    1. NlBBS
      Have you heard any others by Televisor? Pinup was the first I heard and instantly fell in love with them. They have a few others that are equally as great (Starlight, The Pressure. Closer).
    2. Kazerra
      Suuuuuure. See you then :P
    3. Kazerra
      Any time, really. I have so much time! :D
    4. Kazerra
      Guess what? My exams are over! Hopefully my activity on here should perk up a bit. I want to get some more testing done for the Testers Guild soon. Reckon we could have a session sometime soon? I'd like to know what you've been up to for the past month, too. Also, Rebirth.
    5. Landderp
      Hey sorry i keep missing you bro. If you want rather than trying to meet up check out Stand Still(Map Preview) its got a Beta DL link that you can check over. Thanks and Peace.
    6. Auburn
    7. Auburn
      yessir, when'll you be on?
    8. Auburn
      I peeped Shelby off your fileshare. I liked everything but the new center, and the wraparound that's created with the new room. The former can just be opened up, though. Thanks, mang. There're a couple of other things I'd like to get your opinion on when you get the chance
    9. Monolith
    10. Auburn
      yesm, I can be on today around 3ish to 7. I ended up rehashing it with a new theme again. I kind of like where this one is going, though, so it should be the last time, hahaha.
    11. Auburn
      I can make an exception, though.
    12. Auburn

      I got hooked on Skyward Sword though, going through an xbox withdrawal D:
    13. Auburn
      in outer space?
    14. Auburn
      lol, I'll have to show you when you come back. WHERE ARE YOU GOING? out of curiosity.
    15. Auburn
      D: out of curiosity, where are you going? I shall show you tomorrow if you're still around when I get home from school.
    16. xzamplez
      No, not really. What do you need?
    17. Auburn
      not at the moment, I don't have Skype on my laptop. tomorrow, though?
    18. Fenix Hulk
      Fenix Hulk
      You went full circle with everything and now we're back at ground zero. You took the video as, "a way to think about those times in your life when you're not at your best."

      I tried saying that people think this way b/c they are 'mindless drones.' People that act this way and look at the bad side of things day in and day out b/c that's who they have become. They hate their jobs, they hate their life, they get mad at everything. I'm saying change your perspective, change who you are and the way you look at things (like the ones in the video) will change as well but far better.

      The video does it wrong in my opinion. It's pretty much saying don't let your sucky life get to you instead of saying make the best of your day and strive to be the best you can. By saying, "Good for you" you're pretty much telling me to shut up in a very nice way :)
    19. Auburn
      less than thirty seconds, hehehe. If you consider running into random walls difficult than yes, it was very difficult ;)
    20. Auburn
      just owned your puzzle. gimme my prize plox.
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    Kentucky Deluxe


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