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Feb 1, 2023 at 11:52 AM
Jul 20, 2011
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a dope soul, from Missouri

Forge Critic Senior Member
Auburn was last seen:
Feb 1, 2023
    1. Dax
      Abuu, skype? :)
    2. Dax
      You got it.
    3. Dax
      Yo, can you get on Skype?
    4. Dax
      Damn it, I knew it would be too easy....
      How long did it take and/or how difficult was it?
    5. Audienceofone
      I'll send you whatever I have that may work.
    6. StolenMadWolf
      Sorry for ending that match on Launchpad but I had to go off quite quickly and ended up pressing end game rather than leave game in my rush.

      Shelby played pretty nice, sorry if I wasn't up to competitive standards :p

      Oh I also did a post for Launchpad you don't mind if you just clarify any points I got wrong or missed?
    7. Audienceofone
      That sounds pretty awesome. Unfortunately I don't have much just sitting around. The only thing at MIGHT work for this is a really abstract dreamy story. I can get that to you if you want it, though it's really experimental and confusing. I was really interested in death and the deterioration of the mind when I wrote it, and its very odd. I CAN write something new that would apply better for this if you like. It wouldn't take too long, but it may be a month or two before I'm finished. I've gotten into some issues with family and my finals are coming up, so finding time would be slightly tough for a while. Still, this is the best way of going about this. I really don't have much for you, I'm afraid.
    8. Audienceofone
      Depends. I've dabbled in some Sci-Fi, some Dreamscapes, a good deal of the swords and castles stuff, some magic, and some current day things. No mystery/thriller yet. Horror is dumb. I've also got very little that I feel is good. The best work of mine is currently a long novel (unfinished at c.400 pages) and I'm just beginning work on an estimated 50-100 page novella. They just generally turn out however large they need to be.

    9. ChronoTempest
      Sure, it looks good, so just wait until Wednesday or so and post it then
    10. Dax
    11. ChronoTempest
      End of the month is Tuesday, so let me know when you're happy with the recap and I can get it checked out and moved to the Vault some time this week. If you need anything else just let me know
    12. theSpinCycle
      ordnance? Needs to be set 4 seconds earlier than when you want it to spawn.
    13. Dax
      Yeah, I'm liking the left too. And I completely agree that they need to be opened up some, I just don't want the LoS to be too great and I don't know about opening up the central atrium, so I really don't know how to work with it any more :/

      Nooo idea what Arena of Death is. :P I just decided to start with a 6 sided atrium with 3 main points of entry and built off of that. Link to AoD?
    14. Dax
    15. Audienceofone
      well, thanks anyway :)
    16. Audienceofone
      Xbox, naow. 2v2 testing with me and berb for a little while.
    17. A R C A S I U S
      A R C A S I U S
      ****ing hell you're a bigger joke. o00ooo0o0o0o
    18. SilentJacket

      ok, which one?
    19. Grif otaged
    20. theSpinCycle
      OS isn't completely impossible to work into 1v1. I got it working with Titan so that it was balanced by a DB. Obviously that was more intended for 2v2, but it did work in a 1v1 with Dax (although my timers were crazy). If you want to test DB / OS, I would go with a 2 minute DB bottom mid, 90 second Overshield on the uppermost level of the map, and Rail / Sticky Det on 2 minutes on the opposite side from Overshield. That is overkill though.

      If you'd prefer just OS, I would try something on a similar timer as OS on the opposite side of the map so the player without OS has at least a fighting chance. Rail is probably a good choice here as Sticky Det would allow the down player to block off entrances for the OS player and camp more effectively. Pretty sure Rail on an OS player breaks shields as well.

      Replacing SB with sticky det, as you mentioned, is probably the safest bet. Doing that and adding OS to the middle might work as well, although it might require ugly high timers.
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    First Name:
    a Dope Soul


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