you can leave one in the feedback section it will be appreciated, but I was happy where I got it, and was going to post the map today so I didn't think I was able to continue with it. If you still want to leave me feedback I am fine with that it may help me some, but also it isn't necessary if you don't want to.
Yo. So you're part of the Writer's Guild, oui? If we brought back the little end note used in this feedback thread, would that help anything?
I had to leave. Sorry I did it so abruptly. Speed Boost is meh. In general, sprint + speed boost gives you a weird feeling, almost as if you're ice skating. Speed Boost also tends to mess with spawning in 1v1/2v2 maps because they're so small... seemed like you found me once or twice after dying before my shields regenerated. Anyway, I would suggest Sticky Det or a four shot sniper as a replacement. Other than that, I thought the weapon set was fine. What timer was the Railgun at before?
Kk. I just remembered both of you committing suicide at one point and I couldn't think of what it was from :P
:O Is this what I think it is? I'll check it out soon. Also, I'd like your opinions on a little project I'm making, it's a 1v1 but it's rather unusual. I'll put the newest version in my fileshare soon.
Green Eggs and Ham. Soon. Sorry for not having done it sooner; I've been sick and my throat's been pretty rough.
Send me the deets, man! I'll put any up any time before the day of the game. In the future, feel free to send me details the weekend before the weekend they are hosted. ;)
Well........ [IMG] There isn't just one... I get mine from multiple different sites, and I bookmark the link. I don't actually have a website.
Glad to see you're doing the feedback for Sublime! I thought I'd give you my thoughts, too, before I head off for the night. Long-ranged battles were too frequent. Middle was a death trap - if the Overshield respawned it'd be an improvement. The whole map could do with being scaled down - some rooms were exceptionally large and bare. Noticed a soft kill zone in a green hallway, and didn't know why it was there. Nice, clean aesthetics.
Yea you do the feedback for sublime since you tested the previous version as well. You know what he's changed so you can give him better advice. Me and Kaz got Lacuna tested after you left, so I'm gonna write a feedback for that. As for Sublime general thoughts- center was a deathtrap, no reason to move anywhere other than between the two main upper areas. Gameplay was a little on the repetitive/boring side because of it. And the mancannons weren't worth the risk to me.