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Forerunner, from Seattle

Forge Critic Senior Member

%) Sep 7, 2013

Noooooch was last seen:
Aug 3, 2018
    1. Noooooch
    2. Goat
      On and off but I might be convinced to make one last hurrah in Halo 4! Glad to see you're still going at it.
    3. Auggie Burr
      Auggie Burr
      No problem bro, See you next time.
    4. Eightball
      I will...eventually lol. I have to see how it plays first. I do have concerns about it.
    5. Hulter
      Oh, you're one of those optimists, are you?

      I'd certainly recommend CS, and also the classic shell mod or add-on or whatever for Win8. Makes it quite bearable, actually. In fact I'm on some remote relative's win8 system at the moment, because I'm on a little trip through and all round Finland and am staying at their place for the night, and I honestly can't complain. It's essentially win7 except with edgier buttons, which appears to be a returning trend btw, one that I like at that.

      I don't know about map making communities within the CS fanbase, but surely there has got to be some substantial form of forum somewhere. I think you could transfer quite well over to there if you still fancy making maps and all.

      Well, anyway, I'm off and will under no circumstances be able to answer within the next week. I'm off to Savolaks. Toodles, pip.
    6. Hulter
      nah, I don't lurk. Nearly every single time I've gone on here the last half year I've posted something, which goes to show how seldom and little I've been on, really.

      I quit halo when Halo 4 came out and I had just gotten myself a solid PC. I mostly play CS with Careh, Levvi, Ke3f and a few others nowadays. A fair amount of Sc2 Hots, Dota2 and Tf2 as well. Not a lot of map design going on, unfortunately. While I have managed to get a decent comprehension of 3d editors now, I'm simply not sure for what purposes and what games I want to be designing.

      How are you still on Halo, and nevermind sodding 4chub?
    7. cluckinho
      Oh, okay. :P
    8. Behemoth
      You bastard <3
    9. Pegasi
      Didn't get a chance to reply before the lock, but thank you for a great post in the THC thread. I think you made excellent points, and after looking at the guy's THC thread I agree, he could have handled it much better and a lock was basically a given considering how it went. Thanks for showing the other side of the coin, I agree that by and large the THC forge group are good guys, and I was worried that the initial two posts were going to be the sole impression people here got of a good site and community.
    10. xSharpshooter94
      edit the 2 v 2 thread as well! Just because thats where we look!.
    11. xSharpshooter94
      Only Oversheild /speed boost is allowed in ordinance. Everything else must spawn on the map, like in Halo 3. The railgun and sniper are fine, but you may want to give the sniper 0-1 extra clips. Similarly, the railgun should only have 2-3 shots. It is 2v2, so a good person can get 1 kill with every shot, making a 12 round sniper ridiculously overpowered.

      I don't know what the oversheild timer was, i didn't check, but i noticed that it was easily used at least 5 times in an 8 minute match, which is a bit much.

      Otherwise, the map was awesome. I enjoyed the simplistic design and the varied heights and transitions proved to make the seemingly large map quite viable for 2 v 2.
    12. xSharpshooter94
      hey dude, we played your submission for 2v2, and it was good. However, there was a need for weapon tweaking. No ordinance drops, weapons on map. Also drop the weapons' spare clips and increase spawn time on OS for 2 v 2 variants.
    13. Fenix Hulk
      Fenix Hulk
      Anyways, I chose Serum b/c Green was talking about a very clean environment and no aesthetics. I didn't want to go and choose a shitty example of this, so I went after one of the better ones so I chose yours. The geometry is very clean and there's no aesthetics and I know that was intended. my point was that even with a very clean map, like yours, it's still very noisy b/c of all the ugly textures. Without the aesthetics, the map has no theme, no character, and no way for the player to get 'lost' in the level to make it feel real. It was opinions on topics at hand and had nothing to do with comparing maps on how overall good they were (you can't even compare them, they are two completely different styles). Also, the only reason my map was being compared is b/c that's how the whole discussion got started b/c Pyro said aesthetics couldn't be added without frame rate drop so I showed him proof it could be done. That is all.
    14. Fenix Hulk
      Fenix Hulk
      I didn't mean to offend you in any way. That wasn't my intention and we all know it. Nor did I target your map b/c of any previous comments or threads. I have nothing against you. The only person I don't care for on this forum in Pegasi b/c he won't leave me alone with the damn insults.
    15. Fenix Hulk
      Fenix Hulk
      Wow, "someone's trashing your map and advertising their own." Really Spin?

      You guys are simply looking at this like I chose your friends' map and said it was bad. That's really sad that you guys are this short-minded. I chose Serum because it has a very clean layout but cannot escape the flawed textures (that is no fault of nooooch's). I used my map in comparsion b/c that is what we were originally talking about, HELLO! So I had to pick a great map to bring up Green's points and how his points would even consider Serum a bad map (in which he agreed). But by all means, take this completely the wrong way and just think I attacking you guys. w/e
    16. theSpinCycle
      Lol, and he insulted me for replying.. I don't even. Anyway, thread's locked now.
    17. theSpinCycle
    18. Starship Ghost
      Starship Ghost
      lol, nah man. still my nigga doe!
    19. Starship Ghost
    20. Psychoduck
      I'll check Serum out for sure, and I can look at Memento as well. HaloCustoms is great, you could probably find games there any time of day. Anyways, I'll get back to you once I've looked at those maps. Hopefully you can find some time for customs some time.
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