Fenix Hulk
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May 29, 2013 at 4:58 PM
Mar 26, 2009
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Oct 28, 1985 (Age: 39)
Gardner, KS
Full Time Student @ Arts Institute

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Fenix Hulk

Ancient, from Gardner, KS

Senior Member
Fenix Hulk was last seen:
May 29, 2013
    1. theSpinCycle
      Of course you can say good things about your map. Just do it in your map thread or in PMs instead of someone else's discussion.

      I responded to Arcasius with an answer; hopefully that makes up for whatever value you feel was lost in the thread by my posting.
    2. theSpinCycle
      I thought Noooooch would want to know. Call it "telling" if you'd like. Besides, the content of Noooooch's post should say something to you as well.

      I've already said that it doesn't matter what your intentions were or what you say they are. Don't accuse me of not reading your posts because I came to a different conclusion about them than you - it's hypocritical, considering your posts in the Rocket Launcher Mentality thread.

      Don't compliment your own maps or speak badly of others' in other people's threads. That's all I'm asking you to do. There's something wrong with it and it's obvious.
    3. theSpinCycle
      Advertising: Mentioning and complimenting your own map in someone else's thread.

      I don't think it matters what your intentions were, only the end result - what do you not get about this? Don't compliment your own maps and diss someone else's in another person's thread!
    4. theSpinCycle
      You are attacking maps and advertising your own map (which is half of my point and which you're ignoring) in another person's thread, and it's rude. You can deny this as much as you want, and claim you don't have any bad intentions, but it's true.

      If you have anything to say about Serum, the places to do it are here, here, and here.
    5. theSpinCycle
      Where did I say his map was bad and mine was better?
      -"Piece usage is poor"
      -"dry, boring, and lacks character"
      -"boring atmosphere"
      -"nothing but box rooms"

      Curb Stomp:
      -"textures flow well, you should notice"
      -"great use of atmosphere"

      Don't try to pull off that argument.
    6. Pegasi
      You're clearly incapable of looking at yourself in the same light that you judge others, or you are and you don't like to admit it. The fact that you delete these messages indicates the latter, since if you genuinely believe what you're saying then why would you feel the need to hide my accusations? If you can't see that you're just as rude then so be it, but don't expect other people to look at you with the same idealised view that you have of yourself. This would never even have come up if you hadn't tried to make yourself out as a victim. I'm aware that such things are tossed about in discussions, and honestly I don't think it matters that much, but the second someone tries to criticise me for something that they're guilty of too, you can bet I'm gonna call them on it. I did it now, and you can be damn sure I'll do it again. Do with that what you will.
    7. Elliot
      Hey man, could you post a recap thread for yesterdays lobby?
    8. Kazerra
      I left some feedback for Condemned. It's in the 2v2 Sunday Lobby Recap thread.
    9. Auburn
      If you make a video for hive, can it be from my point of view? If not, that's totally fine. Thanks
    10. suffocation49
      Thanks for the video dude, I appreciate the effort you put into it. I hope you like making the videos as much as I love watching them!
    11. Auburn
      Thanks much for the video, man. I really appreciate it.
    12. Urban Myth
      Urban Myth
      Damn dude, that was fast. Thank you sooo much
    13. Juanez Sanchez
      Juanez Sanchez
      Sorry for bailing outta yur lobby last night my friend. I missed your map too! I was falling asleep though- it was 220 am when I left ;-)
    14. Nutduster
      I think you're right about that - sorry. I guess I'm not paying too close of attention to things. I'll see if I can join your lobby!
    15. Nutduster
      Let me make it up to you a little bit - let's try to put together a second lobby this weekend for testing for these upcoming contests. Saturday afternoon maybe?
    16. Nutduster
      Sorry Hulk. :( That won't happen again. From now on I'll make sure to give the first 8 guys at least 5 minutes to join before we start dipping into reserves - and when we do have to dip, I'll go one guy at a time instead of just spamming out a few invites to see who bites. Usually that works fine; didn't tonight.
    17. RightSideTheory
      Sorry man, animated signatures aren't allowed because they're so distracting =\
    18. Audienceofone
      I actually used your images to do weapon maps for Opal and Jade when I released them yesterday, but thanks!
    19. Audienceofone
      By the way, I'm rearing to release some maps, and I've found your forge object library very useful. Thank you for making that!
    20. Audienceofone
      It would appear you are attempting to seize control of my thursday lobby's time slot.

      Ha! Just kidding, I really don't mind. In all honestly I hope it draws some attention away so that I can get some 2v2's done rather than 3v3's. I just wish i could be there as well to play your fantastic maps.
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  • About

    Oct 28, 1985 (Age: 39)
    Gardner, KS
    Full Time Student @ Arts Institute
    UNSC Fenix Hulk
    Video Game Art & Design

