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Feb 1, 2023 at 11:52 AM
Jul 20, 2011
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a dope soul, from Missouri

Forge Critic Senior Member
Auburn was last seen:
Feb 1, 2023
    1. Kazerra
      I left some feedback for HIVE25. It's in the Sunday 2v2 Lobby Recap thread.
    2. Fenix Hulk
      Fenix Hulk
    3. theSpinCycle
      I really should too, but I have to read you Green Eggs and Ham with my kinect mic.

      How is the volume on my kinect mic?
    4. StolenMadWolf
      Lol Right.

      So about forcing people up to the upper level... Say by building the corridors in such a way they lead UP to the upper levels?
      I got a bit confused about the donut lower floor part, how come its bad? Just out of curiosity of course.
      Anything about the map authentics wise?
    5. theSpinCycle
      Is it just me or does your mic make almost no noise? O_o
    6. StolenMadWolf
      When we played that Trianglar map last night, I noticed that the upper levels and the catwalk were heavily used and rarely the corridors or the ground levels, besides that, anything you noticed that was wrong with the map?
    7. RightSideTheory
    8. ChronoTempest
      I'll be posting the term changes in a sticky shortly. If you think we ought to change something, let me know.
    9. Dax
    10. Dax
      This kid....
    11. Zero Point
      Zero Point
      Yeah, the Suppressor was a great change out for the storm rifle, not too powerful but enough to pick up at least 1 kill with it. Though, 1 more clip might be needed. Reforging it on Ravine would defiantly be something to at least try out and I would love to see it if you do it.

      Also, I will say I am fan of that genre, but you're way off. :P
    12. Dax
      Just building up some hype is all ;)
    13. theSpinCycle
      me making a puzzle map? idk.. why?

      As for suppressor, meh. The bloom on that thing seems even worse than the storm rifle. Assault rifle might be worth considering IMO.
    14. TRAUMAjunkie
      I'm all for critiquing. I just thought it was a thing where you got a group together at an appointed time and had a list of maps to test.
    15. TRAUMAjunkie
      Clearly I misunderstood what the testers guild was. I thought it was a group of guys that got together to test maps.
    16. Aschur
      Some ongoing ones I'd suggest are; Zetsuen no Tempest and Psycho-Pass. Some completed ones would be; Guilty Crown, Code Geass, Xam'd: Lost Memories, Shikabane Hime, and a movie trilogy titled: Mardock Scramble.

      There is a little variation in the suggestion, hopefully you haven't already seen everything I just memtioned.
    17. suffocation49
      Did you have any concerns with Mackeral when we played it last?
    18. Zero Point
      Zero Point
      As was said in the lobby the other day, the storm rifle was a bit powerful for such close quarters, but might I suggest a Suppressor to replace it? Hopefully it's not as powerful. Other than that, orientation is the second thing that comes to mind as I found it was difficult to see what room I was in, so some pieces that have more pronounced colors would help if you can spare the budget. Invite me for a playtest on it again sometime, it was kind of fun for FFA.
    19. Behemoth
      I now have a proposition for YOU, young one.
    20. theSpinCycle
      Storm Rifle was cool although unusual. What are you thinking of replacing it with?
      Weapon layout was fine as far as I can tell, railgun needs to be more visible.
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    First Name:
    a Dope Soul


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