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Jul 26, 2022 at 9:49 PM
May 19, 2012
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Mhmm., from Kentucky Deluxe

Forge Critic Senior Member
Dax was last seen:
Jul 26, 2022
    1. Audienceofone
      Probobly not today at all. I've got TCOJ and wont want to look at my xbox after that. Beforehand I'm busy.
    2. Audienceofone
      I played a game on Convergence with Fenix, Pa1nts and someone else today and head another person bothered by the difficulty of callouts. I think I'm going to go through and color things (red, yellow, orange, blue, etc). Does that bother you at all? Just wanted to run this by you.
    3. Audienceofone
      JKaddict's FFC feedback on the coforge.

      ItzAudienceofDaxx - Really liked the look and layout of this. The rocks phased into walls in jst the right places gave it a nice look and feel. A map of mostly walls just gets boring and looks like the rest. This distinguished itself nicely. There was just one paper wall issue that I feel could have more done w/ it. It's the wall-double piece that sticks up all by itself. Other than that, I did find I fell off the edge behind the impact station console where you have one railing that doesn't block the whole drop off. I think if you make it two railings, maybe phased if they are then too long, each higher than the current one, it will keep people from falling there.
    4. Audienceofone
      Yeah. I Think it will take more tests to figure out anything for certain, and now the framerate is out of the picture people can focus more on the game itself. I'll supply these again if I end up in a test without you and get written feedback. I had to edit the quotes just a bit, shorten them for this message. Click the red thingys to read the whole one, though I didnt cut anything important. (... mark edited spots)
    5. Behemoth
      There is seriously no connection, that I know of, between us.
      And get a game tomorrow.
    6. Audienceofone
      Some more on Convergence from TCOJ. These are all the guys who tested it last night.


      I struggled to get to grips with this at first cos the FR was so very distracting. We were also saying during the game that it felt a little big...Once I got into it a bit more, I settled down and began to enjoy it...

      I felt you map with dax was a tad large. I don't really like maps where you have to look around to find people...this map does look beautiful and is not a bad map but it doesn't really cater to my playstyle in a 2v2...

      I have no issues with the size of that one [Convergence]... I think a lot of forged 2v2 maps are unnecessarily snug and keep you right on top of each other; you can play a very good 2v2 match on a smallish mid-sized map.
    7. Behemoth
      But really, what's up with that imposter?
    8. Behemoth
      I saw you in there.
    9. Behemoth
      Audience had told me of him. I'm kind of afraid.
    10. Audienceofone
      ItzxAudienceofDax - This is a nice little map with an interesting layout and some stellar aesthetics. Gameplay moved around and I found reasons to use all of it, so kudos to you two on a nice, non-typical design. Framerate is a sore spot - I have the feeling you and Dax both use more objects in forge than I tend to do.
      This is from the test at TCOJ last night. Thought you may be interested to read it if you hadn't seen already.
    11. Audienceofone
      Sure, I'll see you then.
    12. Audienceofone
      I can really at any time, I just need to know when so that I can do things accordingly. However, at the moment I cant use my mic. I could likely do so in about an 30-60mins. This would also give me some time to work on my writing! :D
    13. FrozenGoathead
    14. rocky4320
      Hey dude, I'm new to Forgehub and i have a few question and i figured you seem as good as any person to answer them for me if you would. first off, i have been wanting to get some people to play some custom games. to get my gamertag out effectively, am i on the right website? and if so, where do threads asking for players belong? i cant seem to find them.
    15. Auburn
      Perhaps I could reposition the map to where there will be water down there? or would you suggest removing the death pits completely as Paints suggested? I'm hesitant because they were included to place some slight risk in the form of falling hazards on OS spawn, the uppermost level, and the bridge like thing. I may have to experiment with that some. Thanks a bunch, Dax.

      I thought cerealbowl had a pretty solid design. I didn't find anything particularly problematic from that look around. The only thing I could suggest at the moment is some orientation in some areas around the map for callouts. Is it a 4v4? Invite me whenever you get down to testing it.
    16. Auburn
      Did you have any concerns about Hive? Any suggestions to spike the camping in the top room?
    17. Kazerra
      Either Rockets or OS will be fine. If a player sees an OS spawn they won't mind going for it, because when they pick it up they gain brief invincibility. Definitely include both of them, but maybe Rockets below and OS above.
    18. Kazerra
      Hey. I'm just out to walk my dog now so I'll give you feedback on <ERGHMAHGERD ITZ A SECRET!!!!!1> when I get back.
    19. Audienceofone
      Rightio then.
    20. Audienceofone
      I can be on tomorrow morning for sure. otherwise... I can get on a bit before FFC.
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