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Jul 20, 2011
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a dope soul, from Missouri

Forge Critic Senior Member
Auburn was last seen:
Feb 1, 2023
    1. suffocation49
      Most of my concerns were covered in the comments. I only had some orientation problems, and I actually don't remember playing in the yellow room (whether it's because of such slight color differentiation, or my general routes). I'm interested in what you said you've added/edited. I'll have to ask you for an invite some time :3
    2. PA1NTS
      Actually, no. I didn't see anything that bothered me. Just work on identifying the rooms because erosion color palette sucks.
    3. TRAUMAjunkie
      Sure. I've noticed that not a lot of people give any constructive feedback here so I'm attempting to leave at least one comment on someone else's thread. I've also been looking at ones that haven't seen any activity.
    4. Fenix Hulk
      Fenix Hulk
      you're welcome man. Anytime you're testing or playing on your map, shoot me an invite if I'm online as I really like your map and can make you more vids as games get more competitive.
    5. Dax

      Holy **** dude. I watched that vid on Goat's profile. Funniest thing I've seen in a while. Thanks for that :)
    6. theSpinCycle
      I can be on later tonight. You?
    7. Kazerra
      No, the death pits are fine the way they are. I understood the reason for them in the match we played; I just didn't do a very good job of avoiding falling into them haha. Adding indications of danger would be enough, I think.

      Also, I think Spin mentioned moving the map to make the death pit the murky water of Erosion. That's a good idea and would improve the map aesthetically.

      It's looking good so far. Invite me to another game sometime.
    8. StolenMadWolf
      Yo I just noticed, you deleted a visitor message on my profile, just a little curious.
    9. Dax
      I gotta agree with Kaz on the death pit. I thought I'd be able to just jump down there, but then I died :(

      Besides that, nothing really jumped out at me too much in terms of the map's layout. I guess I did kinda feel that it was always a race back up to the top, but I'm not sure how I'd go about fixing it with this map. I wanna jump back in forge with you so I can get a better feel for it :)

      General thoughts on cerealbowl's layout?
    10. Kazerra
      Nothing immediately jumped out at me as being broken or annoying in any way.

      There were two little things I noticed, though: the first was the shield-door jump. You could occasionally get stuck, but that is easily fixable. The second was the death pit made of rocks; I spawned facing it once or twice and was under the impression it was a playable area.

      Apart from that, I really liked the gameplay. There were plenty of routes around the map to flank opponents. I wouldn't worry too much about players wanting to be on the top-level all the time, because that's just natural and very hard to avoid.

      One suggestion for the future when you're polishing the map up: for any doorways that lead directly to the death pit, place an indicator showing the doorway leads to the death pit (like a red light or red colouring of pieces). It'd prevent me and maybe many others from committing suicide so often. :P

      Finish it soon please, because I'd like another game on it!
    11. theSpinCycle
    12. Organite
      Negative sir,
      Shock has been pretty deadset against that here as of late.
      He took Bows and Shanon's away :/
    13. theSpinCycle
      Yeah, it took me about 15-20 seconds of slide jumping to get it right. Seriously, the movement options are insane in this game. Slide jumps were a rather good idea.. :)

      Ah yes, forgot those two :) Thanks.

      BTW, are you going to be forging that map?
    14. theSpinCycle
      Ah. Just saw the lobby thread.. I'll get to posting there soon.

      I remember Payload, Hive, Aero, that map with the roof you could get on and be cheap, and Anvil. Am I missing anything?
    15. theSpinCycle
      Lol, we'll get to it sometime. If the words aren't online, I might have to buy the book.. :p

      Hive? A major reason people were camping up top (or a major reason I was) was the radar you could get on the nearby lift and by jumping on some pipes.

      It's also kinda Erosion-y (needs more colors). Some of that murky green from the water might do well in place of the current death pit. That is, if you have some reason to move the map.

      I think fixing the trait zones will greatly change the dynamic of the map, so I'll hold off on layout or weapons comments because I think some might become irrelevant.

      I liked the pipe theme.

      As for spawning; I consistently spawned at the curvy bridge ramp leading up to the camped area (or rather, the room slightly lower than and leading into the camped area, opposite the lift side). I also managed to catch a person or two with a bad spawn there in that large FFA.

      Likewise, do you have any concerns about the Aerowalk remake?
    16. RightSideTheory
      Hopefully it should be fixed now?
    17. RightSideTheory
      What specific Sub-forums can't you post in?
    18. StolenMadWolf
      Good games just then. Sorry if I sounded rather awkward, communication and socialising was never really my specialty... Lol
    19. Dax
      If you're interested, the latest update of cereal bowl is on my fs as WIP.

    20. xzamplez
      I'm down. Just message me when I'm online.
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    First Name:
    a Dope Soul


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