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Dec 22, 2015 at 7:41 PM
Feb 21, 2011
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I Beat the Staff!, from England

Kazerra was last seen:
Dec 22, 2015
    1. Elliot
      Erm... South Shields?
    2. Elliot
      Oh cool, Gateshead?
    3. Elliot
      I live in Northeast England too! Where abouts are you?
    4. ChronoTempest
      Yes, it's to the Halo 4 Maps and Gametypes section. We usually refer to it as a database because the maps become searchable on the site once submitted there. I'll go back and clarify in the announcement, though. Thanks for asking
    5. theSpinCycle
      Yeah, I've been pretty busy lately and haven't had much time to play Halo 4. I did get on Thursday and played on some superb 4v4 maps. I'm tempted to host a lobby of some sort soon, although I haven't been playing H4 much and probably won't play more than once or twice in the next two weeks :p

      A lot of what's happened with Titan is spawning fixes. There were a couple changes to the geometry as well, but nothing huge. As for the future, perhaps more spawning fixes and maybe a couple weaponry changes as well. I think it's close to release quality.

      I'll invite you to play on Titan next time we're both on for a 2v2. 1v1s are too slow at the moment but might be better with faster weapon timers.

      Glad to see Core released. I'm curious to see what you're working on next... :)
    6. Audienceofone
      Its fine, I was going to get on, but got on Counter Strike instead since I figured everyone would show up. Thanks for the offer though!
    7. suffocation49
      Hey dude, do you have any criticism for Mackeral? I'm really up for some improvements. :3
    8. Auburn

      so would you suggest removing the death pit altogether or just adding those indicators and tweaking spawns? I included the large one there as a risk for the OS and uppermost areas while the smaller one acts as a falling hazard for those trying to control that bridge like thing. I definitely see how the death pits can be a problem to those that don't have previous knowledge of the design, though. Thanks for the feedback, man.
    9. Auburn
      Did you have any concerns about Hive?
    10. Dax
      Lol, I think enough people know about it now, so I'm not too worried about it :P

      Also, Core version 241: Aside from my, ermm, sloppy play, I liked it. I'm never a big fan of shield doors but you probably know that by now :P For 2v2 it may end up playing very well. I just think there's always a better solution than shield doors! I know you wanted to break up that long LoS in the central room, what about throwing down a big column in the middle of the entrance. That seems like it would break things up quite a bit. But again, at this point I think it may just be up to you!
    11. Dax
    12. Audienceofone
      There is a really good chance I wont be on at 7/midnight. I will just catch you tomorrow. I have made some substantial edits that I think may make gameplay better. Or they may not, there are a few lines of sight that I still don't like, and I do still want to try and add more verticality (more than I have). So its probably good that I wont see you later today. gives me more time to try some stuff. I think youll like most of it. Anyway, next time you see me on throw me a party invite and I'll show you what I've done.
    13. Dax
      Magnets, dude.

    14. Dax
      Haha yea, I know. But I'm hoping it'll be worth it :)
      We'll see how it goes! Gimme a month or two, lol.
    15. Dax
      Hahah, nothing really. Just feeling lazy today I guess! Yea I'll jump on for a bit
    16. Dax
      Possibly... But I'm gonna need some seerriousss motivation to get on, lol. What's up
    17. theSpinCycle
      Sure, whenever you're on :)
    18. Dax
      Groovy, I'll hafta look into it :)
    19. Dax
      It could work, might as well try and see! Interesting thought about the mancannon idea as well. Go for it!

      And thanks for the feedback on the new version of mine. I'll get to it in a sec!
    20. Dax
      Yo. Go check the map sketch contest :)
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    Web Dev
    I'm a keen forger who likes to make competitive maps.


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