I've heard about it, I used gamesalad to make a prototype last year. But I would rather it be from scratch to avoid any licensing issues and such down the line.
I didn't intend to be mean. It was just funny. The whole "I dislike the tree" statements and reasons had already been said. Besides, I didn't want to explain why it was awful. Today's not a good day to show me trees.
Timezones aren´t really my thing :P But i see now, its the PM that makes the difference right? Tommorow, im going to learn it... Thanks alot man! Going to change the post right now, and good luck btw.
Go ahead. I thought you meant the window coliseums by needler spawn. I'll change the piece usage of the current windows (as you put it) so they're a bit less awkward. Will softkill the frame of the one by PP spawn at the very least.
Sweetness. If I understand what you mean, you're talking about making a bridge from connecting the two sides over the bottom center? Honestly, I'm not sure.
I put in that blue teleporter because the lower YA area was deathtrappy (it was deathtrappy in Quake, but I want to make the starting spawns more even and I don't know where else I could put them). I'll replace the jump with a slide jump. Should be smoother. I'll also put up a version with the sniper at the dead end and the railgun at the RA spawn. Will probably also re-block the upper part of that doorway by the awkward jump.. What do you mean by the awkward windows?
Oh, also, I want to show you my changes to Jade and Opal. I made huge revisions to both (completely redid Jade). I'll be interested to hear your opinions on the alterations.
What did you think about the new Aerowalk? BTW, I'll probably place some grenades to stop those teleporter tricks of yours.. :)
Yo, I just spent the day remaking Dawn so it hopefully plays better, want to play it at some point tonight or tomorrow?