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Aug 25, 2020 at 4:28 PM
Oct 19, 2010
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Student at university mostly.

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Forerunner, from The United States

Senior Member
Audienceofone was last seen:
Aug 25, 2020
    1. Dax
      I mean, not if it works for the majority of the usual participants. Maybe bring it up in the lobby today if it would be easier for everyone to start sticking to Fridays? Idkkk
    2. Dax
      My reasoning behind having the OS and putting it where it is now, is because I feel like that area may not get too much traffic otherwise, so having the orndance marker over OS there would definitely bring more action in that area.

      I hate to say this, I've got another physics review session during the same time as FFC, it's looking like it's going to be that way from here on out. So I most likely won't be able to do Thursday evenings for a while ://////
    3. RightSideTheory
      We're having quite a bit of trouble with this stuff :P
    4. RightSideTheory
      Yeah, Nutduster brought that to my attention a few hours ago.

      I'm going to test and see if the bug is really there. If it is, people will obviously just not be able to use drop-spawning.
    5. Landderp
      If your on today i had dax look at a look at a last minute project of mine last night. If you have 30 seconds or so today let me know. If after you see it think i should post an actually preview i will.
    6. Dax
      Alright, so co12 should be up on my fileshare. I just tidied up a few things here and there, but I feel like more could still be done. The flooring in the console room may need a bit of work. Also I added kill zones and placed a few weapons which I thought miiight work well. I have railgun at the 3 Rock formation, OS on the console room, and I put a sword by the tele in an effort to add some variety to the weapons but I think I already want to swap it. Feel free to change any/all of it.

      Added just a few spawn points in areas I thought could work well, plus I just wanted to get a quick 1v1 on it ;) Let me know whatcha think?

      I'm also a bit worried about the framerate.

      Nevertheless, we'll have a playable version come FFC time :)
    7. Auburn
      The maps played much better this time around. Regarding feedback, the only real suggestion (talking about Jade here) I can think of is connecting the platform-esque part near the upper stickydet spawn with the platform across from it. I'm not quite sure if that would make it play any better, but I feel as though the movement from one side to the other on that half of the design would increase. I can show you what I mean sometime if that didn't make sense, haha.

      Opal played well. No real complaints there.
    8. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      Okay that's fine.
    9. Landderp
      Shaweet can't wait so many games to come! Im still ironing out alot of issues with my map, but hopefully by next week i can get in some serious tests :).
    10. Landderp
      Ah Ok i had been pondering over that hallway for a while now. Well i can't wait till its released :D.
    11. Landderp
      I think it was jade. Which ever had the Sticky-D in the center. Now this is going off the assumption that nothing has been modified since. The area above the Sticky-D, The hallway with open sides. I noticed that there is really only 2 ways up there. A with the ramp at the end and B with jet-pack. This seems to restrict flow as if a player doesn't use jet-pack for example they now only have one way up there. That initial non-jetpack route can be blocked from either side whether it be from teamwork or power weapon. Does that make sense? Or am i being stupid and missing something.
    12. Landderp
      Lol nice and when we hit the forge lobbies together next i have a concern about the one map we played the other day.
    13. Landderp
      Hey no worries i generally don't as for opinions but since I'm Actually going to post something decent for a change I figured id better get some input lol. As for the being busy don't worry about it i don't want to take up your time if your booked you can always tell me later your busy or just ignore the message and ill figure it out lol
    14. Landderp
      If at some point during this week you have a few seconds would you mind giving me an opinion on something? Ive asked dax as well, but i just wana see what multiple people have to say you know?
    15. Dax
      I'm going to be on soon, promise. Tomorrow at the latest. We gotta finish making our baby ;)
    16. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      Yeah, I'd be happy to film next time we test. I can film it before FFC if that works for you (I won't be able to attend FFC though)
    17. Auburn

      Sure, invite me whenever you catch me online, man.
    18. Tedium
      Hey there,

      No need to feel awkward. Sure, it's an odd situation, but I am also in a position which requires apology, as I have not begun any sort of assessment of your maps. Logically, given your situation, that may actually be for the best, as they are now out of date. However, were they not, I am still to blame for failing in my duties - I am sorry.

      So to answer your question, go ahead and do what you will with your maps, as there is no critique prepared for them.
    19. RightSideTheory
      I just didn't have anything to say.
    20. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      I'm excited to see that the map is at its final stages of testing. Send me an invite whenever I'm on, and I'll be happy to hop in and help you test.

      Is a theater fly-through what you want for the video or do you want gameplay of the map. Either way it is fine for me, but if you want gameplay, I would want to know before I test it so I can set up my capture card for it.
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  • About

    The United States
    Student at university mostly.
    Forge related, I began in Reach and joined the site a month or two after I began drawing inspiration from it. Now in Halo 4 I have taken forging back up.

    Outside of forge I am a self-hating narcissist (which may be the cause of my own disliking for my creations in halo's forge) and aspire to become a strong literary and visual artist.

    Art, Playing Music, Relaxing, Playing Games, Travel, and Writing.