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Jul 26, 2022 at 9:49 PM
May 19, 2012
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Mhmm., from Kentucky Deluxe

Forge Critic Senior Member
Dax was last seen:
Jul 26, 2022
    1. Landderp
      Hey brah if you get a couple seconds sometime this week, could i get your opinion on a map im working on?
    2. Audienceofone
      Let me know if I'm not online. I've got a fair amount or work to do, but I'd love to take a break and go **** around in the low spots with you again. I'd love to have it done before FFC this Thursday.
    3. Organite
      OS got shot down...

      Instant Respawn, on the other hand, I'm still trying to get done.

      There's this inherent concern that if we change the gametype it'll look bad.
      But if you change it for the better than that's not bad.
    4. Audienceofone
      I did a thing to co7. I'll show you later.
    5. Audienceofone
      you would get off xbox as i get on.
    6. Audienceofone
      You can just make the recap if you want, or I can. I figure the people will just recap whatever they ended up playing. How did your end of the lobby go?

      Also, what's your news!?
    7. Audienceofone
      On second thought, I'll only be on for 20 mins. Its late and I'm going to be sleeping soon. I'll still get on in about 20, but I cant be on past the hour.
    8. Audienceofone
      The whole weekend? Oh my.

      I'll try to get on in 40 then. I cant stay of for long though. an hour at the very most, ideally about 30 mins. But hey, if I get cought up I get caught up.
    9. Audienceofone
      When would you next be able to forge? I'd like to take a run through our thing later. If not in the next few hours, then when in the following weekend?
    10. Organite
      That's a good question actually.
      They play a pretty big role in some 2v2 maps.
      I'll look in to it.
    11. RightSideTheory
      I really enjoy the settings we have for our 2v2 tournament, I don't know if you've gotten to try it out yet, but I really suggest you give it a chance :)
    12. RightSideTheory
      "but I get that everything's already been announced so I understand not wanting to go back and change specifics of the gametype."

      Exactly. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get more competitive gametypes into tournaments, for instance, quite a few of our past tournaments have contained motion trackers, ergghh.
    13. RightSideTheory
      Damage boost is ridiculously over powered when all players start with a 4sk BR, Speed Boost is aggravating when dealing with smaller maps, creating spawning issues, and OS isn't worth the hassle of dealing with specific rules for it.

      The only drop worth using might be the OS, but it's so much easier to have blanket rules, instead of exceptions here and there.

      I hope you can see where we're coming from.
    14. Oli The G
      Oli The G
      Sure, gimme a heads up!
    15. Behemoth
      Change everything to "unchanged" and set jump height to the lowest and gravity to 200%.
    16. Kazerra
      Wewt, thanks Dax. That should give me enough time to come up with a quality sketch. :P
    17. Audienceofone
      I just want it to be the weekend so I can lock myself in forge and we can dance through the night.
    18. Audienceofone
      Alright, I've told him to let one of us know about it.
    19. Audienceofone
      I just looked at the FFC thread and noticed that insane monk asked specifically for reserves. I'm thinking we should bump up someone who didn't and let him stay as reserves. Thoughts?
    20. Audienceofone
      Skype me, dammit.
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    Kentucky Deluxe


    Reach Maps: Updraft (Featured) - Navi (1v1 Smackdown Finalist)
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