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Jan 9, 2015 at 2:35 PM
Dec 29, 2007
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Mar 1, 1974 (Age: 50)

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Senior Member
Nutduster was last seen:
Jan 9, 2015
    1. Pegasi
      Gonna go ahead and assume you deleted my double post. <3
    2. Audienceofone
      At least we got the goals to work.
    3. Audienceofone
      I did some things to that map I showed you (the one with the stupid peice count) and simplified a few things. I think it will be ready for TCOJ.

      Also, how did that other thing we were doing go after I left? Sorry for not helping more on that, I'm just not good with minigames and the mongeese were too damn fun.
    4. Audienceofone
      Yeah. I'll try and make it if I can, but no promises. If I do get on it won't be for too long. If you see my name playing Mass Effect, by the way, that may not be me. My room mate uses me for my games sometimes. :p
    5. Audienceofone
      I have an idea for a potential 4v4 map. I mean, I have these often, but this one I'm interested in enough to talk to you about. Be impressed. Be very impressed. Or don't be. I'm good either way.

      regardless of your impressions on that statement, I'd like for you to look at it next time we both get a chance. The version I have now is admittedly too small, but it might be able to be expanded or added on.
    6. StolenMadWolf
      Hate to say this but Im not going to make it to the lobby, for some reason when I went to find out what time the lobby was in GMT. I ended up looking at the wrong EST.

      So I originally thought I had to be on at 4pm GMT. Whilst in reality I would have had to go on after midnight.

      So sorry to say this but can you take my name of the lobby list? Sorry for the inconvinise.
    7. StolenMadWolf
      Yo, I had to send you an friend request in order to get onto the lobby. Can't send a message for some reason
    8. Audienceofone
      I'll be on for the 11am lobby. I may be a wee bit late, but I'll be there no later than 11:10.
    9. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      BTW I'm not planning on entering the dust up tourney if you need someone to judge
    10. Audienceofone
      It's in my signature...

      But that's fine. I don't really mind at all.
    11. Audienceofone
      News:xAudienceofone has Opal...
      ...and Jade.

    12. GrenadeGorilla8
      Just finished listening to the interview. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Good job. Also loved the downloadable audio format. I listened to it at work .
    13. CyborgAnthro
      Hah, I'm super serious and mature of course, so I'm totally offended. :p
    14. CyborgAnthro
      "Or one's own ass": how did you know where my erosion pics came from? lol.
    15. CyborgAnthro
      Yeah I didn't want to bother with the extractor, especially if it's not technically legit here. My phone pics on ravine actually turned out ok, but on erosion... oh god.
    16. CyborgAnthro
      Lol, yep. I forgot how time consuming thread-making can be, even for a simple preview. I was trying to hold out for online file share support for the better screenshots but I'm been making so much stuff I finally caved and used my phone.
    17. GrenadeGorilla8
      That is an interesting question. And one. I would like to know the answer to myself. Apparently the Internet is a foreign concept around here. I do have one map ready for testing and another in the works.
    18. Audienceofone
      So good news.

      Something is working suddenly and I can post new threads in 2 of the places I couldn't before in Community Center! bad news...

      I still cant in the TCOJ one. :(
    19. Dax
      So I was creeping...

      As interesting an interview that would be, xzamplez announced his retirement from forge quite a while ago over on halocouncil. The more you know :p
    20. Audienceofone
      Well I was joking... Really, the idea of that is weird.

      xzamples would be interesting, but I agree, I havent seen him around either.
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    Mar 1, 1974 (Age: 50)