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Jan 9, 2015 at 2:35 PM
Dec 29, 2007
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Mar 1, 1974 (Age: 51)

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Senior Member
Nutduster was last seen:
Jan 9, 2015
    1. Audienceofone
      No, I'm forging. :p
    2. Audienceofone
      D'aww, thanks. We could be buddies in red! I submitted a application this morning. Cause wynaut.
    3. Audienceofone
      There you go!

      Again, i havent much to say on the matter, though I'm listening to your interview and its super awesome.
    4. Audienceofone
      Yeah. That's really unfortunate. I wish I had something more substantial to say.
    5. Audienceofone
      i can make time whenever. I wont have a lot of time, but I can make it happen, but im coforging things now
    6. Audienceofone
      Sorry I didnt see your xbox message sooner. I just saw it now. My roommate uses the box for netflix and mass effect 3, so I never saw it pop up. Let me know when you want to show me your new map and I'll hop on or join you then if I can.
    7. SilentJacket
    8. GrenadeGorilla8
      Probably would have "Zealot syndrome" people would just do circles around the outside ring.
    9. GrenadeGorilla8
      I started designing a map in my head and then realized it was just a 4v4 sized Hivemind. Back to the drawing board!
    10. Urban Myth
      Urban Myth
      I don't feel that my map is bad, I just hate that people aren't listening and just saying ignorant things about it.
    11. Urban Myth
      Urban Myth
      Man, I have never had so much pointless hate on a map before lol. I just hope contests in the future are taken a little less seriously, it's supposed to be for fun :/
    12. Audienceofone
      Ah, I thought so. Saw you were on here though and thought I'd give it an ask. I'll catch you if I see you then.
    13. Audienceofone
      Are you able to get on xbox at all? I've got a thing I want to show you.
    14. Pegasi
      Yeah I know that feel. I lived with friends who were the same, they didn't mind but it's just nicer to leave it to times when you don't feel like you're excluding them or being antisocial. Good that she's cool with it though.
    15. Pegasi
      Suddenly I feel a little better about being single.

      And now it's gone again....
    16. Pegasi
      Lemme know when you're on during Saturday. My mate's coming up from London so I foresee a lot of drinking, but catch me at the right time and I'll be on for sure.

      And yeah, lesson = people are either crazy or just fool themselves in to thinking that they're highly skilled rather than abusing an OP weapon. That thing has been my ToD a frankly worrying amount...
    17. Pegasi
      You're not wrong. I'll be on later tonight if you're about. I'll drop you a VM just beforehand. Fair warning though: the degree to which I abuse the boltshot will make you cry ;)
    18. Audienceofone
      1x1 tall and thin.
    19. Audienceofone
      Hey, thanks for the kind words on Jade. I think I figured out a fix for that lift too. I just moved it to an area where one cannot jump on it under normal circumstances. It also works better now!
    20. Audienceofone
      I thought so. Thanks!
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    Mar 1, 1974 (Age: 51)