iTz Longshot
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Mar 15, 2019 at 7:17 AM
May 27, 2008
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Jun 17, 1992 (Age: 32)
Wash, MO!
Makin' sweet love with Rho...I mean...

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iTz Longshot

Ancient, from Wash, MO!

Senior Member

My pride and joy is finally finished. :) Apr 6, 2016

iTz Longshot was last seen:
Mar 15, 2019
    1. MultiLockOn
      Still forging?
      1. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        ohey. Nah, I haven't cared to for a long time. When I was making the key map, I was waiting on how to make the game settings work, and just stopped getting on. There was one day I creeped on your key map. pretty damn sick.
        Jun 19, 2017
        MultiLockOn likes this.
    2. Buddy Jumps
      Buddy Jumps
      Dat new sig doe. :D gj
      1. View previous comments...
      2. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        yeah, i wanted to open up illustrator, but realized I never installed it yet lol
        Feb 8, 2017
      3. Buddy Jumps
        Buddy Jumps
        :D You should, though. Really, the whole level organization in Illustrator is way more convenient to use I would say.
        Feb 8, 2017
      4. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        For sure. It does has it's perks. I usually use them both and transfer over things from one to the other. I haven't really sat down to make anything in a long time it seems.
        Feb 8, 2017
        Buddy Jumps likes this.
    3. WAR
      Hey thanks so much for the Gold Req pack! :)
      1. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        oh yeah, forgot about that lol no prob!
        Feb 2, 2017
        WAR likes this.
    4. Erupt
      You missed me on OW by like 30 minutes :(
      1. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        Oh :( I should just get your number again and we can text when one of us is one. I've been addicted watching Game of Thrones
        Jun 1, 2016
      2. Erupt
        Hahaha I haven't gotten into that! Pm me yours
        Jun 2, 2016
    5. Erupt
      What kind of build do you typically run in dark souls

      Also got quake live and Cs:go :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        JackHartry. do you have it on steam then? we could jolly co-op
        May 3, 2016
      3. Erupt
        No my comp couldn't even begin to run dark souls sadly :( I'd like to duel you on quake occasionally though
        May 3, 2016
      4. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        May 3, 2016
        Erupt likes this.
    6. Erupt
      Delirium is going to be a duel map for quakecon 2016 !! :)
    7. Erupt
      scrapping boneless.
      Hope Dark Souls is living up to the hype for ya :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Erupt
        Hate the aesthetic, too similar to aero, too many layers, couple small things w the layout

        And I figured :)
        Apr 14, 2016
      3. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        just redesign it again :P look how many times you did Gallant
        Apr 14, 2016
      4. Erupt
        Well if I redesign it again it's just gonna be a completely different map ;)
        Apr 14, 2016
    8. Erupt
      make a 4v4 ctf map with me

      like super arena style
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Erupt
        Oh man same.. I have one idea for it though :)
        Apr 11, 2016
      3. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        Cool beans! I guess we can't make it quake style lol
        Apr 11, 2016
      4. Erupt
        Apr 11, 2016
        iTz Longshot likes this.
    9. Aschur
      I would prefer not, or at least wait until I finish my own.
      1. Aschur
        By the way, thanks for asking.
        Apr 9, 2016
      2. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        Oh yeah, no problem. I'll hold off on doing it. I'd rather not rip something from someone I'm not aquatinted with. I hope it works out awesome for you :)
        Apr 9, 2016
        Aschur likes this.
      3. Aschur
        I may scrap that map altogether, haven't fully decided. If I do, I will let you know
        Apr 10, 2016
    10. Erupt
      Ember aesthetic looks sweet, I especially like the way the floor kind of trims the pillars on that one wall. The little things :)
      1. iTz Longshot likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        It's either a good thing or bad thing lol I want to try something other than OS and DAmp
        Apr 9, 2016
      4. Erupt
        If you manage to put enough time and thought into it getting jumps makable with different amounts of speed boosts would be incredible
        Apr 9, 2016
      5. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        i could try. xandrith might find a way to break the idea with stabilizer >.> unless i make a special gametype
        Apr 10, 2016
    11. Erupt
      Finished a super rough blockout of boneless, it is now going to be an island temple
      Being overgrown with plants and stuff. Check out the blockout and let me know what you think?
      1. Erupt
        Also I haven't laid out the teleporters but there will be either 4 or 5 sets
        Apr 7, 2016
      2. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        I'll check it out tonight when I get off work :) and okay! I'm so in love with the plants we have now. I've wanted it secretly for so long.
        Apr 7, 2016
    12. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
    13. Erupt
      Thought: how about to make the windows on Bio easier to fight thru, you open them up some but put invis blockers in them so that you cant jump through them?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        I've been lazy and ate dinner. And I'm going to put in the video of us tied and you get that snipe for the win at the 2 sec. mark of the match. very clutch. amd you're picture is weird :P
        Apr 5, 2016
      3. Erupt
        much clutch.

        Don't insult my creation he is the main character of the game my brother and I are trying to make :(
        Apr 5, 2016
      4. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        oh.. im sorry, i didnt know that :(
        Apr 5, 2016
    14. Xandrith
      so, what kinda map you wanna make? :D
      1. View previous comments...
      2. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        But I'm cool with anything but big team. Symmetrical maps are a struggle for me lol so maybe a symmetrical 4v4 or something? Or an asymmetric 1v1. I love those 1v1 maps
        Apr 1, 2016
        Xandrith likes this.
      3. Xandrith
        Yeah, I've been wanting to try the human aesthetic. You can have a ton of detail for a 1v1
        Apr 1, 2016
      4. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        ...soooo a 1v1? Deal ;) want to wing it or plan it out?
        Apr 1, 2016
        Xandrith likes this.
    15. Erupt
      You gonna be on tonight? And have you made any progress prettying up bio shift? :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        I'd love to see how that goes :) punishing, but not death punishing
        Mar 31, 2016
      3. Erupt
        That was the idea :) when you get stuck you're exposed to a window to what is hopefully the most powerful position so yeah it's basically death
        Mar 31, 2016
      4. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        make it happen my friend :) and im on just forging. no rush :)
        Mar 31, 2016
    16. Erupt
      Hey man I hopped off and realized I have a lot of homework to do... sorry. :/
      1. iTz Longshot likes this.
    17. Erupt
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Erupt
        God I love how fast and filled with crazy predictions it is
        Mar 26, 2016
      3. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        Soooo you've been playing it lately or something? Lol it really is a fun map. I really like fast games
        Mar 27, 2016
      4. Erupt
        No just watching it be played
        Mar 27, 2016
    18. Ticky
      1. iTz Longshot
        iTz Longshot
        oh hey! lol I still love the music Rho put into it. Duck was telling me to remake it
        Feb 29, 2016
    19. Erupt
      Barely surviving :) how're you buddy?
    20. Psychoduck

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  • About

    Jun 17, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Wash, MO!
    Makin' sweet love with Rho...I mean...
    iTzz Longshot
    Failed to load Bio


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