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Forerunner, from []|[]|[]|[]|[]|[]|[]|[]|[]|[]

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why would people like my page? Nov 12, 2014

SilentJacket was last seen:
Aug 21, 2019
    1. petetheduck
      Yep, that's me. Quack quack.
    2. Aschur
      yeah, I'll change my avatar when its fixed. Probably will be a loooooong time until then though.
    3. Auburn
      yo yo yo, bro
    4. ♥ Sky
      ♥ Sky
      Welcome to the first round of Heart Attack Roulette.

      [l-col]Left?[/l-col][r-col]Or Right?[/r-col]
    5. ♥ Sky
      ♥ Sky
      I won, where's my prize?
    6. Dax
      (thanks for the avvy)

    7. ♥ Sky
      ♥ Sky
      Ima sadface all over you. My sig is great! :P
    8. ♥ Sky
      ♥ Sky
      yeah, I know nothing about wineskin and have never heard of it before today so I don't think there's much I can help you on.
    9. ♥ Sky
      ♥ Sky
      First off, what language are you using? Second, I can't really debug just via error messages, the best way to do that is to google the error code and see what it means and work from there.
    10. Monolith
      Ok, np, hope it helps
    11. Monolith
      /me talking again: But tutorials tend to help a lot more than just reading off rules. Here's a good example. Often times they'll help you think of ideas that you wouldn't normally think of, especially if you're in a slump or need some inspiration.

      Hope that helps

      Edit: As far as the "sig rules being more ambiguous," I'm pretty sure it's for the sake of creativity. People don't want to make straight-edge rules or else you'll create barriers that will limit the art of it. Whether that's good or bad, eh, it's up to you. As far as Forgehub goes, remember that it's a very critical forum, that often won't praise you for your works. On the bad side, it can be slightly overwhelming when you make what you think is a good sig, but nobody seems to appreciate it. On the good side, it helps you make stuff that's actually good. Anyways..
    12. Monolith
      ...A thing I'd like to share is that I think it's best to avoid pure colors, such as #FF0000, #0000FF and #00FF00 because they look unnatural and may hurt the eyes. If you need/want to use those colors, make them a bit darker/lighter.

      * Text
      It's a part of the signature, so naturally its color and font should match the rest of the signature. Don't make it the focus of the sig unless you intend it. Lowering its opacity, changing blending modes or using a color that blends with the rest of the sig (the Eyedropper Tool is your friend here) usually can help with that. Remember that using overly fancy fonts in small sizes is bad.
      Experiment with various different fonts to see which one best matches your sig. DaFont is a good site to download fonts from.
    13. Monolith
      * Flow (Credit to Rebellion for explaining flow)
      Flow is coordinating your piece to give it a direction. It provides the piece with energy, and usually leads to a point where you can focus. Flow generally makes pieces easier on the eyes. Even with a focal point, in a piece without flow the eye will still have trouble finding a place to rest its eyes on.
      Kaya's note: Basically, you shouldn't have something going in a vertical direction and then something else going in a horizontal direction in the same sig, for example, because it doesn't have flow.

      * Colors
      It's important for the colors to match, or else the signature won't look very good. You can pick colors based on your render by using the Eyedropper tool and alter them slightly. Or you could try choosing different colors and see if it goes well with the render. There's the combining colors theory if you have no idea of what colors you should use.
    14. Monolith
      * Focal point
      The focus of the signature, the object that draws the eye to it. There should be only one in a signature, which is usually the render. That said, the focus should be clearly visible and other things in the sig shouldn't take the attention away from it, or else the focus will be lost.

      Extra note: (Suggested by K-Wilt)
      Don't put the main focal point in the very middle of the signature, it doesn't look appealing. Here's where the Rule of Thirds come into play. Imagine that the signature is vertically and horizontally divided equally in three by lines. The points where the lines intersects (or close to them) are usually the most suitable spots for the focal to be.
    15. Monolith
      Okay, well there's elements of design, which are small details that contribute to principles of organization (which make a composition more eye-pleasing). Then there's compositional techniques which basically helps you frame an image, and also makes it more eye-pleasing.

      But these are mainly photo techniques that I've picked up over several years. As far as signature making goes, the rules are a little more ambiguous, as far as I'm concerned. I found this small tutorial, however, which might help:
    16. snowfox815
      who could i talk to to maybe get a something similar to Reach Dark Fixed.

      id pay.
    17. ♥ Sky
      ♥ Sky
      this made me laugh quite a lot, thanks (Y)

      Urban Dictionary: Fetus Throwing
    18. Monolith
      I guess, sure. But the majority of learning what is best is looking at sig tutorials online... you can't really go wrong there. I myself have some brushing up to do (aka I probably wouldn't be the best person), but I'm willing to help you out. What would you like?
    19. tallon
    20. Organite
      I accidentally in your sig thread and ♥ you.
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    November 5
    I value quality over quantity.

    flinging my enemies into the sun

