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Oct 4, 2020 at 11:15 PM
Aug 1, 2012
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From Mt. Moon
Killing your almonds - it's too late already.

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Halo Reach Era, from From Mt. Moon

Senior Member
theSpinCycle was last seen:
Oct 4, 2020
    1. Erupt
    2. PandaMan
      I SWEAR HE HAD A SWORD, I know what I saw
    3. Dax
    4. Auburn
      looks beautiful so far. Y U NO COLOR INSIDE WALLING?!
    5. FrozenGoathead
      FORGE CAFE PODCAST Episode 1 12/27 by Mr Forge | Blog Talk Radio
    6. Dax
      It was because of the height advantage, and because rockets. How about removing the power wep up there and utilizing all three of the other power wep locations instead.

      I don't think it would be redundant if you did it right. The new path wouldn't take you to the same exact location and it would give another option to counter the pencil sharpener so that area isn't too OP.

      I just feel like there needs to be something over there, idk. Maybe it would play better without the anything there though. Maybe forge it without the bridge and see if it needs something else?
    7. Dax
      Yea, I really didn't like my path from pencil sharp to the tele, I just also didn't like how that tele bridge just kind of dead ends.

      About enlarging the red room, great idea. It seems cramped at the moment.

      And the lift walkway won't be too campable, you can just lob grenades and whoever's back there is ****ed. But it's no big deal, it wouldn't lose much by not extending it.

      Hmmm...I agree about making the pencil sharpener unique somehow. What about this: move the receiver node to pencil sharpener. Connect the dead end bridge to blue spawn area somehow. And then lower the height of pencil sharp to the same elevation as the path opposite from it. Thoughts?
    8. PA1NTS
      My epic post got deleted:(
    9. Kazerra
      It's good to hear from you. I've completely remade Core (again) and this time the thicker walls are back! Haha. I've also changed a load of other things, and managed to playtest it more. The rush of Christmas is over now, so I'll be updating my OP in the thread with a new sketch and screenshots. It's changed a lot.
    10. Dax
      Also I meant to forgot to add, I was suggesting you get rid of the current tele system and replace it with just that one sender/receiver.

      Sorry I broke up some of the changes into two pics. Hopefully you can put those two together, haha.

      Also, it's late and I've been doing Christmas stuff the past two days, so I may wake up tomorrow and completely change my mind on what I felt needed changing. Lemme know :D
    11. Dax
      About the sketch. I quite like it. I'm unsure on a few things though.

      Spoiler #1
      New Sender/Receiver
      Part of central area (By sender) blocked off.
      In the top of the picture, the "lift walkway" was extended to make pencil sharpener not as not as dominant.
      Possible connection between pencil sharpener and bridge? I'm really iffy on that.

      Spoiler #2:
      The inner lift gives too many options. I would limit it to taking you to that one side.
      Green power wep moved away from top central area to spread things out.
      Red power wep moved away from the new sender to make players coming from the red spawn area have to choose between the 2.
      Remove that one lift taking you to pencil sharpener. Two lifts too close together taking you to the same spot :/
    12. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      Posts Per Day: 6.95

    13. StolenMadWolf
      Revision and that, got exams the moment Im back in college, though Im just taking a break for Christmas lol
    14. Dax
      Yea dawg.
      I'm gonna be with family until later tonight, but I'll do it then :)
    15. Auburn

    16. Auburn
      Quake doesn't have anything like forge in-game. There's a completely different program called GTKRadiant that I haven't ever attempted to use, so I have no idea, haha.
    17. CFs GF
      CFs GF
      I know... It's not fair.
    18. CFs GF
      CFs GF
      He is in Georgia and I am in Maryland... We don't get to be with each other for Christmas.
    19. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      Some of my maps:

      I got 2 in matchmaking.
      Renova in Team Slayer

      Rat Trap in Team Classics

      Forge Hub - View Profile: MickRaider you can view more of my maps in my sig

      My latest Halo 4 map is:
      Rat Trap (again)

      I was also Leader of the review hub for about a year, so I'm really used to judging maps.
    20. Auburn
      I can't find teh results video, but I did find the game history with a google search, lol. I'm not lying, proooomise.
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  • About

    From Mt. Moon
    Killing your almonds - it's too late already.
    Washing clothes..


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