Dec 2, 2007
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Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf

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In Loving Memory, from Los Angeles

Senior Member
    1. Pegasi
      I still think it was pretty prey to slow ass gameplay and stalemates even in 2. I think the competitive view of it is somewhat romanticized, like Beaver Creek, but it was much better as a general experience. The situation where even semi decent players slow the map down badly was worsened massively with further Halo titles, you're right.
    2. Pegasi
      Lol yeah. That gun is cheap as hell for a loadout weapon. I'm with Nutduster that it'd be OK as a power weapon since you do have to be quite precise with it for a 1HK CQC weapon and there's a real knack to the charge, but screw having it off spawn.

      I know the H2 kids hate me for this, but Lockout wasn't a great map then and still isn't. I admit it was better in Halo 2 than even a perfect Halo 3, Reach or 4 remake would be, but still. Guardian did better if you ask me, but unfortunately the mechanics of Halo 3 did their own damage to the basic layout principle by upping kill times and making it that little bit harder to punish people who screw up during those stalemates.
    3. Pegasi
      I have a friend who loved AL, but he openly admitted that it was because he wasn't great and liked doing better than normal, and also takes specific delight in enraging others. Asshole, but at least he admits it.

      When people accuse me of camping, what they actually tend to mean by that is that I don't run blindly at people time and again. If I wait round a corner, it's for a second or two max, and for the purposes of exploiting someone else's brazen approach. There's a difference between cautious rather than foolhardy, and camping.
    4. Pegasi
      I think I've told you this before, but a friend once dubbed me The Halo Gypsy. I asked him why and he said "you camp but you move around. I don't understand it."

      Not exactly PC, but apt I guess.
    5. Pegasi
      I don't camp. Doesn't stop me anally violating with it.
    6. boomerdude
      I miss you bro.
    7. Pegasi
      Not that awesome, I think it only equates to those crappy playlists. Hardly a substitute for MLG.

      But yeah its good in a casual sorta way. I exploit the hell out the boltshot, and feel a little guilty about it afterwards, but I still keep doing it...

    8. Pegasi
      Not profitable I guess. Also the virgin gaming contract that 343 signed precludes them having any other competitive associations for the time being.
    9. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Interesting. Just last week I was thinking seriously about launching that idea again. The detail just needs to be right to make sure it'll actually work in practice.
    10. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Start off with a normal background but have a Partner one ready to go. I love minimalistic backgrounds, I'd go with something like that.
    11. REMkings
      I picked my one up again recently. It should be released soon, I'm going to work it out now and then translate it into English. It's part of the comeback of BIOC.
    12. REMkings
      Hey, I remember you once told me you were also working on another Infection guide. Are you still planning to do that? How are things going?
    13. Tex
      dude whats this about no features n ur greys are showing and wtf did 343 do??
    14. Chipsinabox
      Shouldn't be too hard to catch up. However there is one mission given to you that you can fail and do over again and again for infinite exp. I can't show up today unfortunately, and I know I said I was going to be free today. Tomorrow, I promise, or very much later tonight.
    15. Chipsinabox
      Okay. I can literally just start a new character at where you guys are in the campaign. What level are you currently?
    16. Transhuman Plus
      Transhuman Plus
      What was it exactly that you thought was hilarious yesterday?
    17. Chipsinabox
      I'll be free to play tomorrow, so if you're willing to wait then great. Either way, no big deal.
    18. Chipsinabox
      I don't. :(
      Go ahead and play. There's ways in which I can catch up.
    19. Chipsinabox
      Because I didn't want a Facebook anymore. That **** is way too retarded to carry on with.
    20. Chipsinabox
      Oh I hope so. Imdb is going nuts over it.
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    Los Angeles
    Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf
    Watching tons of movies, writing, listening to R&B/Motown/Classic Rock


    The Lulz List​

    12:01 am PacMonster1: Thought this was going to be one of those never ending conversations where you act all haughty and ****