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May 19, 2012
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Mhmm., from Kentucky Deluxe

Forge Critic Senior Member
Dax was last seen:
Jul 26, 2022
    1. Kazerra
      Herro. Thank you for all your kind words - it really means a lot! Are you available to walk me through Core sometime and point out all the minor things you need changing? I'm planning on updating the OP of the thread with a new sketch and screenshots, and I want it to look as nice as possible haha.
    2. theSpinCycle
      Lockout. Guardian. Probably others that I can't think of right now.

      I see your Midship, Pit, and Sanc.

      (The balancing issue is also present, even in dev maps. The Cage. Sword Base.)
    3. theSpinCycle
      What's a pr0zzs? Lol, mlg maps.

      Even the best symm maps have the occasional LoS issue. :( Generally, though, it's harder to make an asymm play as balanced as a sym, so that makes up partially for it. The best asyms are better than the best syms, in general, but the asymms are so much harder to make and thus rarer.. Many of the halo "classics" (minus the Pit, mostly because it has a goddamn wall down the center) are asymm.

      I'll redo the map as well :) I wonder how different our two sketches will be.. O_o
    4. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      think you could nominate me for THC judges :)
    5. theSpinCycle
      Symmetrical maps also tend to have problems with long LoS along the point/line of symmetry. I would personally prefer asymm if we can get it working as well.

      Complexity = yay, more replay value.
    6. PandaMan
    7. PandaMan
      Actually, it was probably in the lolbox because I just searched the forums.
    8. PandaMan
      Of course you would be looking at it, it is awesome.

      I could go find the post, but I don't really want to, it was right before you left, I think.
    9. PandaMan
      Sig Shop PandaMan's Sex Shop of Awesomeness - Forge Hub
    10. theSpinCycle
      I'm not really sure either, although I think matchmaking quality is a good goal. I'm also not sure whether symm or asymm is more favored in matchmaking for such small maps.. there isn't much map to learn in the first place, I suppose.
    11. theSpinCycle
      I assumed two because the walls by the bridges weren't in the sketch. lol

      Do you prefer the asymm or symm layout?
    12. theSpinCycle
      I like this one way better than the first. :) No more donutz on bottom floor, but quasi-donut still present on the top :(

      My only worry is that the disclusion of the lifts and teleporters means that there are not enough ways to get up to the top of the map.. :( Which in conjunction with the donut issue might mean camping at 5 on either side of the tunnel.

      I'm really liking the segregation using the tunnel, Pit-style. I'm not sure whether a map with two distinct sides would work for 2v2 slayer, though.
    13. theSpinCycle
      aka new os plat?

      also, le donut => le beignet.

      Will stick around for a couple minutes for that new sketch, then it's off to sleep.
    14. theSpinCycle
      :( Couple issues with it:

      This does mean no more pencil sharpener/OS plat. Not sure how much significance that actually has to you.

      Donuts on top floor and bottom floor also return. I think this is the bigger issue with this particular version.

      Also, what is that second line to the bottom left of the picture? (Underneath / to the left of the ramp in the bottom left room)
    15. Auburn
      Thanks, Daxxxx.
    16. theSpinCycle
      Both of the teleporters are on the top floor. The path leading to it comes across from the lift area, over the entrance to the top left room.

      Will finish the sketch in a day or two, tgif is almost starting.
    17. theSpinCycle
      Can't make it not a dead end without wrecking the force to elevation in the top left area.

      We can make it whenever. I'm free until Duck's TGIF.
    18. theSpinCycle
      The teleporter area to the left of the sketchup would be a dead end without the teleporter.

      Whoops on snipe :P I moved it back to encourage more movement on the outside platform. Will probably change that room (in the 3d sketchup, that is).
    19. Kazerra
      30 minutes is fine by me. I'll go ahead and make two versions: one with pillars and one without.
    20. Kazerra
      Nice, I'm glad you like the room haha.

      When designing the tower I wanted to create a risk-reward situation, hence the openness. I also noticed that, in my previous designs, the thin columns used to 'hold up' the roof of the tower could be very slightly hidden behind, allowing enough time for your shields to recharge. As I'm now out of decorative pieces, the thinnest things to use for pillars or something would be building blocks, and I think they're far too easily hid behind... To me, adding in any sort of pillars would make it an overpowering power position once more.

      I could be completely wrong, though. When are you available to play?
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