The frame rate was there? I acctuly didn't notice it in the game. Where in particular did you notice it.
That suckkkkkks. How the hell do people translate it to scale? Or even make the map with all right angles? O_o
So that map we played was what you were working on... I thought that the map played well, I think the flow was very similar to Zealot as players tended to stay at the edge rather cut through the centre. The trait zones worked well where they were allowing players to get from one level to the other. The top mid had multiple routes, though the small gap between ramp and top mid caught me by surprise several times into an ambush, then again I was used to a different control scheme so I was unable to react. I think you will need to scure the mantis more so no one can get it of the map. Otherwise, I enjoyed it. The other map that was put on by the other player before I had to go off seemed alright at first glance, though something went wrong with the ordinance drops As we both noticed.
Hey man. You reckon you could come on XBL within a few minutes? If Dax comes too then we'll have a 2v2 on Core. :D
Yay for overhead picture :) By dropdown area, I was talking about the area behind the Yellow Armor. Not sure what colors you're referring to when you say green. I really like that blue ramp :) As for the topmost-bottommost teleporter idea, the GA teleporter is already doubly visible from most of the map, although indirectly. Schnitzel removed the leftmost red circled teleporter and the one at the top of your blue ramp. He then rerouted the teleporters so that the dead end YA one went to the uppermost one (you've marked it with the one way green arrow) and the rightmost red circled one sent you to GA. Or something like that :O I will definitely upscale, probably slightly more than Schnitzel. I'm looking for places to nade down weapons as well.
Thanks buuuuddy:) I already have it built. Made a few additions to the map. We'll have to arrange a 2v2. How come you dont play much Halo 4? Also. HBD. Have a great day.
Schnitzel removed two of the teleporters by the red armor and linked the other two together.. and removed the entire dropdown area :O What about the yellow armor area doesn't work? (Besides the teleporter loop thing)