Happy birthday :) EDIT: I'm planning on redoing Aerowalk for Halo 4. Apparently, the dropdown area is not supposed to work for Halo gameplay. Being that you're the only one to have made an Aerowalk remake that I know of still left on the internetz, could you help explain to me how Quake maps (specifically Aerowalk) are affected by the transition to Halo?
Hang on, I'm just quickly cleaning up the old Paint overview. It's easy to understand and you've played the map before in Reach.
Some type of character would be neat. Obviously not the same one, lol, but something that kind of portrays the same "attitude" I guess? If nothing comes to mind then don't worry about it, I can't really come up with something at the moment haha
I was looking through my old sketches today, found some of the initial Gangnam Style ideas. In hindsight, they were so obviously messed up.. Thanks for helping me out.. it was a nice learning experience.
Yo. I know that was a lotta stuff yesterday. Did you have any thoughts on if it would/wouldn't work? A super short response is fine, no need to get very in depth considering you have no real obligation to in the first place :)
Ah right, that's fine. I'm not releasing it until I'm absolutely happy with it. I still think a lot more edits need to be made.
If you want, we can play Core within the next two hours or so. Playing it may also give you a better idea of what needs changing. SpinCycle said that everyone's suggestions don't work well together, so at the moment I'm going to try and do as much playtesting as I can before making more drastic changes.