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Jan 9, 2015 at 2:35 PM
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Mar 1, 1974 (Age: 51)

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Senior Member
Nutduster was last seen:
Jan 9, 2015
    1. Stevo
      Congrats on your new rank dude... it's been a hell of a long time coming!
    2. Psychoduck
      Well, good ****. I look forward to your articles.
    3. Psychoduck
      Bro, you're red.

    4. RightSideTheory
    5. Transactionzero
    6. Psychoduck
      Oh, derp. I thought WarHolic was nutdusting for a moment there.
    7. Psychoduck
      Good job on compiling that list. You forgot to mention that it's officially called "Light-Derping" though.
    8. Frostbite
      :D, good thing I had my capture card handy for that.
    9. Frostbite
    10. Pegasi
      Yeah CE had beautiful nade mechanics as well. I wasn't as good with them, nor did I enjoy it quite as much since I prefer having nades as a BR friendly support tactic with a big dose of cheeky kills. CE nades were a power unto themselves. They were very hard to use, to be fair, just didn't float my boat quite as much.
    11. Pegasi
      In Halo 3 I loved frags, lining up a precise bounce and nailing it was almost without parallel in terms of satisfaction. I think that is probably the single biggest thing that Halo 3 did better than any other title in the series.

      But Reach just killed that for me. I still used nades a ton, but I didn't take nearly as much joy in it. Halo 4 is even worse in that regard, so I'd wager that a good part of my dislike for Adrift (and corner heavy maps in general past 3) is because it rubs salt in that wound.

      And yeah, I see your point about the Boltshot, particularly for Adrift. I just wish that didn't mean it was in every player loadout gametype.
    12. Pegasi
      Very true on the forge front. I was just focusing on the fact that they *themselves* made an on disc variant which even fills a specific hole in the map compliment, then didn't use it. Seriously, why bother?

      As for Adrift, I'd like to think I got the strategic measure of it reasonably quickly, I just don't enjoy the two main approaches. Fight from corners to lift corridors/vice versa, or run around the edges. Perhaps I've just yet to crack the most beneficial strategy, and if so then please enlighten me, but I've yet to really enjoy myself on it.

      EDIT: Yeah, I take your point about Boltshot, but tbh I don't find the Sword impacts upon gameplay enough to justify all the other crap that the Boltshot brings. I really dislike maps which focus on fighting around corners, especially after Halo 3 when they took away mah bouncy nades. Adrift is nearly always that, and the Boltshot makes that even less fun. This particular bit is quite subjective, though.
    13. Pegasi
      It could be another case of the BTB syndrome: going too far the other way based on negative responses from Reach, rather than just, ya know, doing it properly.

      But I fear you're correct. Relay kicks the crap out of Solace, Abandon and even Adrift imo. Its absence from MM speaks volumes.
    14. Pegasi
      Yeah, tru dat. Cold Storage was a wonderful gesture. I've never found any official confirmation of this, but I believe they justified the move away from eventually making DLCs free by including achievements within them. Basically, as soon as it has achievements they have to charge for it. It's probably the other way around tbh, and it was just used as a justification for something MS wanted to do anyway, but I'm pretty sure the two things coincided at the very least.

      Dude, that would be wonderful. 343, if you want a way to restore my faith: This. Is. It. Hell, I'm not even gonna pretend I'd actually forge on it, but as a gesture it'd really hit home with me.
    15. Pegasi
      I used to be a bit less cynical, but honestly it's become painfully clear that this faith was misplaced. The way they talk about their plan for content just makes the whole approach so barefaced. How inherent it is in making an AAA title nowdays, and they don't even think that it's something worth being coy about. Like they can't even understand why I wouldn't be OK with it.
    16. Oli The G
      Oli The G
      Up for getting some footage?
    17. Pegasi
      I agree it wasn't a revelation, but the fact that he was so candid about it being a testbed for CTF really cut deep. Like, this thing is old enough that they were balancing core gametypes based on it. Not even a case of "been working on it for months, but couldn't get it done in time for release." That's ****ed up.
    18. Pegasi
      4:50 of the video in this post. I don't think you'll be impressed with what they're talking about...
    19. GrenadeGorilla8
      Yo I think you might need to bump the sign up thread . We ain't got no partizipants
    20. GrenadeGorilla8
      That and he can pay for my gold subscription and send me a LE H4 xbox and game. I might be happy then.
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    Mar 1, 1974 (Age: 51)