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Feb 13, 2018 at 7:54 AM
Nov 25, 2008
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Legendary, from Fall Amy, Fly

Forge Critic Senior Member
RightSideTheory was last seen:
Feb 13, 2018
    1. REMkings
      Two things:

      1. I can do the interview next Tuesday. Does that suit your schedule as well? 9:15am EST again I guess.

      2. This is about getting Lone Souls in a Lost Mine featured on ForgeHub. I was talking to chrstphrbrnnn about it a while ago and he advised me to get gameplay going on the map myself. So,

      Good news! I did indeed manage to get together a lobby on the map and we played one game on it, even with some gameplay in the changed corner! So you have everything you need now. The full clip is in my fileshare, so just check it out and take screenshots from there. :)

      I'm honestly not here very much lately because of school and stuff. Might be best to see if **** or RST can check it out. The write up for the map was already done a while ago lol.
    2. Tedium
      Oh, has anything more happened over Skype? To be honest I don't really know what the next step is beyond an admin protoyping it.
    3. Titmar
      twas what i thought as well
    4. Titmar
      except that there is no "affiliation" with 343.
      anyway, im under the impression that you cannot be banned for playing a modded gametype in customs? only for filesharing it to others. theres been modded gametypes in all the halos so... do you know about the answer to this?
    5. Titmar
      no i mean you dont get banned from live for playing it.

      and bungie doesnt make the game
    6. Titmar
      you cant get banned for gametype mods...
      i think we should embrace the no-sprint mod for the remake competition!! =)
    7. Dax
      Haha, oops. Shows how long I've been on the site :p

      Sharp said it was yours in the chatbox.
    8. Dax
      That's a lovely SOTW Banner you made. Sexay.
    9. Psychoduck
      Perfect. Their answers won't be as funny as Nut's, but that'll be a good interview.
    10. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      Hey just making sure you got my PM for TGIF :)
    11. REMkings
      It didn't work out yesterday, I kind of forgot but I was also busy with other stuff. Next week is not gonna work but the week after I should have time again. I'm sorry things turned out this way :(
      Can you add me on skype? "remkings"
    12. ♥ Sky
      ♥ Sky
      OI you
      What was your question all about?
    13. Shad0w Viper
      Shad0w Viper
      Computer is not much of an option at the moment but I'm on the xbox most days, just send me an invite whenever.
    14. REMkings
      All five of us are available but there are always going to be people who won't show up so we're just gonna have to see who does, and work things out by then :)
      I'm looking forward to it!
    15. Redy
      Sure, That's my main activity on this forum. ;)
    16. REMkings
      Will also work for me, I'll see what people I can bring to the party :)
    17. REMkings
      We're probably gonna have to delay it until next week. I haven't been able to talk to any of the other guys yet, and I found that I'm actually kind of busy today :S
      So, how about next Tuesday instead, at 8am EST? (that's 2pm for me)

      I'll try to keep the numbers low, probably around two guys next to me.
    18. Psychoduck
      Thanks. I appreciate you guys pinning the thread over here.
    19. Redy
      When TGIF will be back?
    20. REMkings
      Well since you're American (I'm guessing), I'm not sure if that would be evening for you or evening for me. However, I would have time tomorrow around noon because I'll be stuck at home for most of the day and have a class sometime in the afternoon. This would be morning for you. Do you have time in the morning?
      I will have to check with my BIOC buddies too, by the way.
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    Fall Amy, Fly