I've taken on 6 Sabre pupils, I want to achieve straight As, and my significant other is my life right now. I have money, but I'm using it for other things at the moment. Plus there's Sonic Adventure 2 for me to work on. :D
I hope it will, man. Right now, it really disgusts me, but you never know. I'm looking forward to seeing Syphon :D
So for that forgotten treasures III contest... Last Exit? Or shall we attempt another map. I personally thought of giving Epitaph a go. Anyderp, Ill chat to you on xbl when Im on next.
I don't get home until seven on Wednesday, but if it means we all get to hang out together again, I'd be willing to stay up alllllllllll niiiiiiiiiight loooooooong. <3
I never got a chance to get online to test Syphon. My apologies, brother. You should release it, though. I think it'd be wise. Thank you very much for your kind words. I really appreciate it.