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2y 32w ago
May 19, 2012
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Mhmm., from Kentucky Deluxe

Forge Critic Senior Member
Dax was last seen:
Jul 26, 2022
    1. SilentJacket
      you know, I could just make you an avvy that looks much better...
    2. Oli The G
      Oli The G
      Sup bro. While your away i've decided to finish the bits on your map I started (I was REALLY bored :D) and i've finished the shield ceiling in a way that looks good, and them im going to finish off the ramps. I'll chuck it on the old file share when im' done.

    3. theSpinCycle
      lol bill cosby? :P

      LF> Dax Cosby
    4. theSpinCycle
      I'll be on H4 a lot - I'm on break.. :) I saw you on briefly a little while ago too.
    5. Auburn
      So far, only a remake of Orbital :p

      I saw you got the game. You like it at all?
    6. theSpinCycle
      :) Thanks, man. I've been looking forward to that for a bit.. :))
    7. theSpinCycle
      Do you still have that triangle map? D:
    8. theSpinCycle
      Are we doing this in h4 or reach? If H4, we can specify maps, if reach, locations in FW.
      Shapes: square/rectangle (lame?) circle triangle hexagon pentagon semicircle
      Objects: (possibly scrap? O_O that will be hard to judge, ex: pencil sharpener)
      Maybe set some kind of limit/requirement on piece usage based on category?
    9. theSpinCycle
      That would work as long as they're balanced enough that people don't complain.
    10. theSpinCycle
      If people picked their own requirements, then no one would go out of the box and do something crazy. How about everyone makes a set of requirements and all the sets are randomly assigned (I might get the set Goat made, and Goat might get yours, etc).

      As for the loltriangle sketch, I don't mind at all :)
    11. theSpinCycle
      Are we (you, me, and Goat) actually going to make a triangle map contest?
    12. theSpinCycle
      dax, 1v1 me nao?
    13. theSpinCycle
      I didn't feel like resketching it on the opposite page. Here it is, in all of its blurry glory.


      There are a couple errors with the drawing, namely the lack of a receiver node (which is supposed to be in the sniper room) and weapon/health set flaws, ignore the names of the weapons but keep the positions :P

      +1 rep if you find both the triangle and pencil sharpener.
    14. theSpinCycle
      It's cruddy, so I won't post it as is, but I will resketch it on the opposite page (so there aren't eraser marks everywhere) and post it tomorrow. I bet you can't tell me where the triangle is.
    15. theSpinCycle
      Damn it, someone mentioned my hill sketch looked like Haven too.

      Now Haven = anything with a long curving walkway...

      I think I'll put the triangle map to rest for now. It doesn't meet my overly high standards for a sketch.
    16. theSpinCycle
      Dax, I finished the triangle map, but I'm having some problems:

      1. Flattening out the corners of the triangle makes it not look like a triangle anymore. Now it's almost the shape of a corner, 2x2...

      2. I'm not really sure whether the layout is good...

      Should I post it in the sketch thread and ask for feedback or try to make a triangle map that is more true to the criteria?

    17. Behemoth
      Dax, you had summoned me in teh loolbox.
      I was too late on my reply...
      What's up?
    18. Auburn
      I tried last night and it was a little difficult. I'll just make up some scales and see if it comes out alright.
    19. Auburn
      [spoiler][IMG][/spoiler]Is the pencil shaded area a deathpit?
      What's the scale on the paper?
      What's that little light blue line on top of green and right below the dark blue area?
      Does that yellow dotted line extension connect to the incline?

      Erm, I think that's all. I can probably do it some time later tonight ;)
    20. SilentJacket
      Change your avvy