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Feb 13, 2022 at 4:07 PM
Jul 1, 2011
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Dec 5, 1992 (Age: 32)
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Groningen, Netherlands

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BIOC, Male, from Groningen, Netherlands

Forge Critic Senior Member

I finally have Halo 5! Man, this Forge is confusing. But boy am I looking forward to all the things I'm planning to make! Dec 24, 2015

REMkings was last seen:
Feb 13, 2022
    1. Redy
      Man, I need to say that, today, I expended 5h in fixing and other things for the Temple and the Thread, and I still couldnt finish the Mouseover images, so, just check out the submission thread. If I made something wrong just contact me, anyway, I hope that our entries get the honor of being played at least. The entire job in this map was about 5 months, and I think that our sweet Temple is finally ready. It was an Honor to Forge into this with you, few days/saturday mornings of job, but already enough to create this awesome last Project in Reach. ;) Cya Bro, till next time.
    2. Confused Flamingo
    3. Redy
      Man, you need to put the gametype from the promethean temple in your FS, so they can play on it in the contest lobby. :/

      EDIT: Nevermind, Just got the Gametype in my History here. :P
    4. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      Thanks man, we actually fixed the tank glitch almost entirely. He broke out in a really weird way after watching the film. Regardless we might make the vehicles destructible, I wouldn't mind a few more explosions. As for the first holdout, we'll have to see if we can balance that out somehow, because we can't really block los to either of them in a way that makes sense. Thanks for the feedback! Good luck in the contest!
    5. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      Hey man, any feedback on Dust from the BIOC lobby? We are prepping to put together the final version sometime today or tomorrow.
    6. LD
      It looks interesting .. too bad I won't be able to play it :(
    7. Waterfall
      Nah, I just got back to forge hub ill check it out.
    8. Redy
      Alright, Ill create the Overall thread tonight, but I still doesnt Think Ill get time to post and write things up by tomorrow. Anyway, you could write something up in a PM for me that "Must be, on the Thread (what you want). And I can do a Twist for the History Part and the overall Pictures comments and Making of. I'll write my way up, but you usually have your own ways of posting that I probably need to include on it, :S

      I'll fix the map and post it in the contest, and the Overall Map Thread will be done and posted by Wednesday night. Contact me via PMs for anything else that you want me to do, but I'm sure there's going to be Beast.
    9. Ticky
      Haha cool. It's funny cuz I just now noticed that Hollow got featured on The Halo Forge League. XD
    10. Redy
      UHhuu! Awesome, I was waiting for that.

      WE need to finish the Temple, anyway, what we can do in more extreme cases is put it on FS and I can finish any bug that still persists, since the deadline is for Wednesday. If you dont have time, but still fixed all the problems, probably we should post the map on there. But no stress, we still have one day for sure.

      PS: the map thread can be done until friday. ( it doesnt need to be with the Link together with in the submit thread. We can update the post after the map thread is already published.)
    11. Zigywig
      The maps will be big enough to support them. I'm not sure about some types of maps though (like BTB).
    12. Zigywig
      Going back to what we talked about invlving the maps, I just heard someone say that a 343i employee said all the maps custom made in Reach can fit onto all the 3 forge enviornments in Halo 4.
    13. Loscocco
      Sure thing, just link me to the file on Waypoint and I'll get on that.
    14. Minion
      Hey man, sorry I haven't been online much. I've been really busy. But, yeah, I'm back. Have you checked out my new map on 343i community forums yet? ;)
    15. Elliot
      Good haha, just trying to get on with my essay :) How are you?
    16. SargeantSarcasm
      Oh even better.
    17. SargeantSarcasm
      We posted our map, here.

      Also, is me not being available tomorrow going to be an issue?
    18. Zigywig
      My signature. That is all.
    19. SargeantSarcasm
      lol alright then.
    20. SargeantSarcasm
      Simultaneous discovery is what it's called. Even though teeeechnically I knew about it first and several people knew about it before I did.

      So you'd be wrong calling yourself the inventor but I'm not going to call you out on it. Unless of course you're like "I AM A GOD."
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  • About

    Dec 5, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:
    Groningen, Netherlands
    REMkings is the xbox account used by the brothers R, E and M.
    I am R, the oldest one, and I'm the one to mostly play Halo and forge stuff and I'm also the owner of this ForgeHub account.

    I'm one of the BIOC staff members, so if you have any questions, feel free to leave me a VM down below. I'm always up for just some casual chitchatting as well so don't be afraid to contact me.
    And in case you were wondering, yes I am that guy called Meesterlijker from YouTube. :p

    Drawing, Sports (Track & Field), Watching Movies, LOTR, and of course Forging are interests of mine.



    My Infection maps:
    Lone Souls in a Lost Mine (FHF) | Deadborough (FHF) | Favela Run (3rd place in HotD3)

    My Flood maps:
    Destitute in Chains (Featured | 2nd place in Insanmiac's BotD) | 8 O'Clock Reminiscence (FHF) | When Running Fails (preview) | Favela Vengeance (preview) | Far from Eden (preview)

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