Rorak Kuroda
Last Activity:
Apr 15, 2017 at 1:02 PM
Sep 6, 2009
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May 17, 1995 (Age: 29)
New Mexico

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Rorak Kuroda

Up All Night, from New Mexico

Forge Critic Senior Member
Rorak Kuroda was last seen:
Apr 15, 2017
    1. Rorak Kuroda
    2. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses / The Hollow Earth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    3. Agamer
      Hey man want to play some Halo 3? I've been playing for some time now, if you want to add me, my gamertag is Roobinsky.
    4. Eightball
      Good luck, man.

      Oh, and Carter still is a little ****. :D

      JOIN MY ****!
    5. Carter1234

      What happened, Rorak? It seems like all the old admins are leaving and all the new ones are coming.

      God, I miss the old days when I was a little **** (now I'm a big ****) last summer.
    6. Eightball
      Dude, why? :(
    7. Tedium
      Awwww, ihategrey.
    8. REMkings
      I don't think it's going to work to get a game on LSIALM together: the timezone differences are simply too big. However, yesterday I played a game on the map and it turned out to be a perfect example of why I'm right (without bragging, lol). Do you want me to put it in my fileshare so you can download it and check it out? I was able to hit a lot of humans when playing as a zombie.
      Besides, I think that if you guys from the staff like the map, you should probably just feature it anyway if we can't test the map together. I mean, there might be people arguing that this one spot is too easy for the humans and thus imbalanced, but if you're afraid that still featuring such a map while knowing some people feel this way might damage the reputation of ForgeHub's features, just direct those people to me and I'll deal with them. As you've seen yourself, I had my reasons to create the corner the way it is, even though some people might not recognize those reasons. But I'll explain it to them.
    9. theSpinCycle
      As for 4, it was a bit much. I was less than 1-2 units from the pillar when it started. :(

      Also, the issue I had with the health pack was that its location was so death-trappy that it may as well not have existed.

      I prefer not posting in those kinds of threads as they often lead to flaming, as happened in either Navi or Updraft - I forget which one... :P One of Dax's.

      I forgot to mention this before; the snipers were on a really damn fast respawn time. Or rather, we felt they were. Didn't actually forge through, but it seemed like every time I went by the snipe spawns, there was a snipe waiting. At one point we had accumulated three or four clips worth of spare sniper ammo.

      The map is great as it is, but those are just my two cents. :)
    10. Psychoduck
      Right next to Matt Belamy and...?
    11. Psychoduck
      Amen to that. I have a Jupiter sized report and presentation due this week, but I'm hoping to hop on at some point.

      Also In Rainbows, I like it.
    12. Psychoduck
      Hai Kurumba, wanna play some games with me on Cerity at some point? I've been meaning to play it for a while now.
    13. theSpinCycle
      Got a game on Cerity. Couple opinionated things:

      1. I understand where Stevo came from with the whole sniping thing, but I don't agree, even though I suck with the sniper :P Got destroyed :(

      2. Lovely aesthetics, esp. those ramp 1x2s with the block 1x1s.

      3. Massive dead space around health pack. I would have thought health pack would have made a difference on paper, but no one ventured out there anyway because of the fear of being sniped.

      4. Custom was a bit too exposed - After killing an opponent, I went up the 1x1 tall to get custom immediately, but by the time I was halfway back down, I was being shot already. Might have been because I was playing on MLG Team Slayer with enhanced radar, though :P Not sure what the smackdown respawn times are.
    14. Eightball
      All systems go, the sun hasn't died...
    15. Eightball
      NO NO NO.

      Get out of here, you *****!

    16. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      You know what you have to do.
    17. theSpinCycle
      Ah, so it's a halloween thing. Did you do that yourself?

      Lolz, just realizes your color matches with the pony.
    18. theSpinCycle
      New avatar? Is that My Little Pony? Lolz I like.
    19. pyro
      I recall you being the one to ***** to when the rank thread is out of date.
      FlyingshoeILR ► Registered User
      thesilencebroken ► Registered User
      Noxiw ► Registered User
    20. REMkings
      I sent you a request, can you accept it pl0x?
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  • About

    May 17, 1995 (Age: 29)
    New Mexico
    Rorak Kuroda
    Hello wayward profile browsers, my name is Matthew. I have been a denizen of these forums for quite some time. Over the internet and Xbox Live, I can come across as brash and outspoken, however, if you were to meet me in the flesh, I'd likely be just the opposite; quiet and polite. My personality, from an introspective point of view, encompasses all of those aspects, though some traits overshadow others. I'm always open to new experiences and meeting new people.

    Hacky Sack, Pencil Drawing, Halo, Women, Philosophy, Architecture, Ponies, Music, and so much more.


    Parallex - Cerity - Pyrite - The Clubhouse