Dec 2, 2007
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Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf

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In Loving Memory, from Los Angeles

Senior Member
    1. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Lol. Yeah, that suits me, since I'm not free until Saturday at the earliest.
    2. Shock Theta
    3. Pegasi
      Pretty sure he'll just cackle. There will probably be thunder.
    4. Pegasi
      What's your angle?
    5. Pegasi

      Got mine cheap from a third party but legit sales receipt means I have a full year of Apple warranty, just activated it today. Satisfying.
    6. Pegasi
      I think the SSD is technically upgradeable, it's just a nonstandard form factor so there are fewer (and I assume more expensive) third party options. But RAM, yes.
    7. Pegasi
      Good, I waited on the announcement for the 13" and was a little disappointed tbh, hence getting this. It doesn't have the 650m that the 15" has, and that's a decent enough mobile GPU that you could genuinely use it as a gaming machine when needed. The 13" is also 128GB base model, whereas the 15" is 256GB. I'd personally advise going to 512GB. Even though it's an extortionate increase in price that kinda storage is hella nice on what I assume will be your primary machine.
    8. Pegasi
      1.7 i5 and 4GB of RAM. Not heavy on the specs but I don't really need it to be, it still outperforms my old MBP in benchmarks due to it being a newer generation of i5 (despite the MBP being a 2.3GHz).

      My dad has a retina, and yeah they're nastily put together but tbh so are Airs so I wouldn't stress too much about it. Would you get a 13" or a 15"?
    9. Waterfall
      Every time I see a post by u I have to watch your avatar. Lol
    10. Pegasi
      £800, still somehow with a year of Apple warranty. It's got a 256GB SSD which was kinda essential, dunno if I'd be able to survive on 128GB as my only laptop, especially since I wanted a Windows partition.
    11. Pegasi
      I had an early '11 13" MBP, quite nice and was very happy with it. I then got given a Dell Adamo 13 for free because it was "broken" (motherboard needed some coffee cleaning off it and the fan had died), got it working for next to nothing. It's not quite an ultrabook, an early MBA competitor with a 128GB SSD, not as nice as a Mac but pretty good all the same. But it's SOOO much lighter, quieter and quicker to boot than my MBP was, to the extent where it just went unused even though it was better spec and has OS X. Got rid of it, got this thing instead, incredibly happy with that decision.

      I just put Windows 8 on it as well.
    12. Pegasi
      So I got a Macbook Air.

      Goddamn is this thing sexy.
    13. Loscocco
      Nah, I found the video. Thank you very much, though :D
    14. Chipsinabox
      You better ****ing buy BL2. I'll buy you a season pass if you do (this one I can promise).
    15. Chipsinabox
      It's much higher than 20-25.
    16. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      Thanks for the offer man, but it started working again last night. I've got them now.
    17. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Weirdness. I'm on Firefox and all seems to be working fine.
    18. Chipsinabox
      I have a level 50+ unfortunately and I don't own the game anymore, but I'm sure I can snag my buddy's copy. I'm not interested in starting a new character on BL1, as just leveling one on BL2 was enough effort in itself. I'd play with you if you're up to having an uneven leveled character on your squad.
    19. Sgt Surchin
      Sgt Surchin
      Well I mean I would have pursued it further if it were that important so yeah...
    20. Sgt Surchin
      Sgt Surchin
      Sorry man... try asking TZ I guess.
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    Los Angeles
    Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf
    Watching tons of movies, writing, listening to R&B/Motown/Classic Rock


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    12:01 am PacMonster1: Thought this was going to be one of those never ending conversations where you act all haughty and ****