I'd actually like to get your opinion on the thing I just posted. Could you think of any other sub-threads that may need to be set up? I know there are probably other topics, but I just did the ones I could think of off the top of mine and shad0ws heads.
I was going to write ---------- Your Avater. I love it. ---------- But then I saw Noxiw say pretty much the same thing D:
Topic in the library. Reported it twice.. turned into a ex-mod battle... other people reported it and complained... The Topic still remains. I repeat. The topic still remains. +rep if you know what movie I just stole that line from, but obviously put topic instead of the actual word.
Ironically, conversation seems to have died. Help us out. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/staff-discussion/141331-communication.html#post1544763
Wait, perhaps RightSideTheory. I know we need lighter, but are we hard fast on the current depth or shading?
Oldboy is a VERY famous movie. Asian cinema can be very awesome since they go for the unconventional. It's one of my favorites.
I kinda broke them. Well I did, but he left them on the floor, in front of the bed, under a shirt. Sooooo, I think perhaps they should have been in the expensive case! Then they'd still be perfect!! LOL