Sorry The 1000 character limit was bugging it out. You know the rooms out side of the central atrium? I was thinking of connecting each corner room together say red room connect to the orange rooms and the blue room connected to the green one, so instead of 4 corner rooms, you have two large corner rooms. If this is a bad idea, I can always just make larger tunnels. Like the ones on Sacrifice.
I can get rid of the current tunnels and replace them by a few Side on large tunnels, to provide more space with the tunnels. Like the catwalk tunnels on Sacrifice. The second part of the idea will connect the corner rooms together into on large room per corner. The two upper floors will join together. The making of the combined corner rooms on each side will mean that aesthetics will be easier. I think I set up the higher levels on top of another series of blocks, so I can move the first floor back a couple of units and open up another area of floor. I can just expand the space in each of the rooms or just leave the corner rooms connected by a larger tunnel if connecting red and orange rooms/blue and green rooms together is not a good idea. Would rocks be a good aesthetic part to use on Tribute? I feel like the combination of braces and rocks will make an interesting theme for the map. And you wanted to say something on the teleporters?
Sorry about not posting that sketch - I tried out the scaling in the new center atrium and it's wayyy off. Going to have to resketch it - the outer connections will have to be bigger now...
Sure np. I knew something was up with the teleporters, I think you have to in them the EXACT right way, other wise you face the wrong direction. I'd have to admit I'm surprised on the Dancefloor. Must be because the map is quite compact.
Not really, I really like that map, felt like a big change from what I pm used to. Not sure if this was intended but if felt a bit annoying when after I managed to kill you a few times, you were like instantly on me after 3 seconds and my shields are still down, it left me at a big disadvantage. Are you using respawn zones or something to get the fast-paced spawning in? I've not got any problem with it but I think it will be a little bit annoying afterwards. Then again, we were only on that map for 3 matches, so I guess it may be just me
What was tyrant's logic? Weapons on bottom wth no teleporters is fine. Maybe you could also experiment with having only one fast-spawning power weapon in the top atrium and having one set of teleporters go from the top atrium to the bottom atrium. That way, one could escape while being attacked for the power weapon at the expense of height and control of the spawn. Only issue is that it creates a "down" atrium and an "up" atrium, which might screw with the flow.
Any luck testing Hollow out? Not pushing you or anything, just wondering. I would love to hear your feedback.
Yeah, I remember Shelby :P As for the teleporters.. Not top to bottom. The blue teleporter in the top side of the drawing would be useless. It doesn't really open up any movement options that would help break a stalemate. You could move it, though. Not no teleporters either - there wouldn't really be a reason to get onto the open atrium floor. That is, unless you put a weapon/incentive by the blue sender in the top atrium. Basically, if you want to leave the structure/weapon layout as is, go with the bottom to top. If not, you should probably go for a forged version and test it firsthand.
i decided that both you and shoe where right and i gave it a shot, it honestly wasent as hard as i thought to fix, although it was pretty hard, but i did it. so now the updated version is now the dowloadable link instead of the old one. and i added some pictures when i got home from school, i would have done it sooner but i was at school. sorry about that.
I would, but I had a project yesterday. I'll sketch it up today. Probably will have it up tonight, if not, tomorrow at the latest. My new rendition is taking on the look of a MLG Slayer map.. It's also scaled down.
Hmm. Monday is Columbus day. Have anything to do then? If not, I'd rather do Monday than Saturday. I'd like to get this idea up on the Sketchup thread before I actually try forging it..I think it's significant enough to warrant a total remake :P although I would have remade it anyway in Halo 4.
Ah. Makes sense now. Saturday it is. I have some new completely new ideas for the center connections.. I don't think it'll play well as it is now. Too dominant over the bases.
There is a GL in the middle that I set to drop-spawn. Hopefully that's not glitching out too. I have some changes planned. Want to get on sometime Saturday?