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Dec 10, 2022 at 1:27 AM
May 5, 2011
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Minion was last seen:
Dec 10, 2022
    1. REMkings
      lol next Wednesday is my birthday then I'll finally get it. And I can tell you that I'm gonna be making some sick Flood maps, because I have plenty of ideas. I also thought of remaking a simple minigame from Reach but than a little bit differently, so look forward to that as well
    2. REMkings
      I'm getting it only on December 5th. :(
      My mother told me that my parents are going to give me and each of my brothers the games we wanted to have (Halo 4, Assassin's Creed III and Fifa 13), because December 5th is a national holiday in the Netherlands similar to Christmas, AND it's also my birthday. So the good part is I won't have to pay for it, the bad part is that I have to wait another two weeks :S
      I'm already thinking of what I'm going to forge though, I'm going to make sketches and such. What's the map about then? Can you tell me?
    3. REMkings
      Oh yeah, I forgot that one. It's a shame because using water was awesome in Reach :S
      Glad to hear the typical Halo experience is back though, I missed that in Reach :D
    4. REMkings
      Nice! Can you tell me what are your biggest pluses and biggest minuses of Forge?
      Without having played the game, I think my biggest pluses would be less framerate and more similarity between the objects, and my biggest minuses the removal of the Falcon, the removal of gametypes like Race, Invasion and Insane and the lack of the slow movement tool from Reach (by pushing and holding the left stick).
    5. REMkings
      Why did you buy the new xbox? lol, my parents would never allow me and my brothers to do that.. and I'm 19. ;)
      I don't think I'll have it until like a week from now, but I'm not sure.
    6. REMkings
      Hey, you can now actually vote for Deadborough! And thanks for nominating it bro!
      (lol, I wanna prove that Infection maps also have a chance to get in FHF)
    7. REMkings
      I just did :)
    8. REMkings
      I replied on your thread in the THFE forums :)
    9. Minister Muffin
      Minister Muffin
      Can you give me a link to the testing thread? I can't find it.
    10. Minister Muffin
      Minister Muffin
      Okay. I'm at a wedding this weekend, and we're in the country right now, so there's really no connection. ill try to submit it tonight. Just PM me when you finish testing.
    11. Minister Muffin
      Minister Muffin
      Is the BIOC still holding testing sessions? I need to test out BIOHAZARD, but I am going to be gone this weekend. We changed a hell of alot on the map but haven't gotten to test the map with the new changes yet.
    12. REMkings
      PLEASE check this out asap!!!
    13. REMkings
      Are we now? Heck yeah!! Woooooooohaa!! :D
    14. REMkings
      I know everything. Flood mode is sexy too
    15. REMkings
      I was in college at that time so unfortunately I couldn't watch it live, but I'll watch it nonetheless! I always get my Halo 4 news from ducain's, so I already knew about this, but thanks anyway :)
    16. REMkings
      Yeah I already said this to you, but you probably didn't understand me. It's indeed better to wait for Halo 4.
    17. REMkings
      What are we doing about the youtube channel??? Lol, I'm very excited, but what's with the delay? We're not going to get any videos out before halo 4 comes out, lol.
      At the moment everyone's very busy with school, but I'll talk to Loscocco about it on Skype whenever we're both online so we can discuss the plans for the videos.
    18. REMkings
      No. I'm running into some problems, some of them concerning the thread but most of them concerning school >:(
    19. REMkings
      We'll get there! And I'm creating a new final thread for Deadborough in a second!
    20. Minion
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