Spicy Forges
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Aug 9, 2023 at 7:36 AM
Jul 12, 2009
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Spicy Forges

Ancient, Male, from Aus

Senior Member

Where forge Oct 24, 2022

Spicy Forges was last seen:
Aug 9, 2023
    1. xzamplez
      I feel for you with the loss of Invasion, and your lack of natural geometry forge space for 16 player maps.

      I basically only play Halo nowadays because of forge, so the disappointing news regarding forge has been truly heart breaking.

      As for the game: I also think it will be better than Reach (it better be).

      Sorry for the claim.
    2. xzamplez
      Lol, get raped.

      I'm sorry, but while I try to spread the truth, I seem to be swarmed with people who will only believe what they want to. If Halo 4 has problems, we need to be aware of them.

      They are removing important features of forge, and it needs to be known.
    3. Stevo
      cool beans
      I'll send you the other **** as soon as I can then (Y)
    4. Stevo
      No worries. Do you reckon it'll be done in the next 3 weeks?
      It really doesn't have to be a long one, or anything flash mind... just something that I can put in a thread (Once I figure out what I can do for a title :()
    5. Stevo
      Song-wise... I'm happy to have any of your songs. I generally like your stuff anyway :)
    6. Stevo
      lol, I have a bit of a request if possible. There's a fly through that swoops from blue, through a tunnel piece into gold and then finishes looking up at the sky... Can that be the last fly through before the action, as there's an action footage that starts looking into the sky and goes back into gold with some explosions and stuffs. I figured the sky would be a good place to show the name of the map because it's a pretty unique atmosphere in Reach.
      The other thing would be to link the two teleporter pieces of footage, going into the sender and out the receiver.

      I don't know if the sky pieces of footage line up though, so you might need to edit it a bit and have me re-record a new piece of going into the sky from gold and then out of it in one clean motion.
    7. Stevo
      It's called Artificial...

      And yeah, I have a lot of gameplay files saved, but I can't get them until Blackmagic sort my device out!!! :(((
    8. Stevo
      ok no worries bro.
      Just do what you can <3

      files got sent anyway :)
    9. Stevo

      how did it not come through?

      I'm also ****ed at the minute. Device is CONSTANTLY blue screening my PC as soon as I enter any capturing programs that use it :(
    10. Stevo
      Lol, finally found the drivers... took me 4 hours to configure the capture card!!
      Anyway, capturing now. Will send whatever I get tonight <3
    11. Stevo
      Any song you see fit to.
      I'll get some stuff recorded today. I wiped my computer out last week, so I'll have to try find the software I used to use so I can get it to you in a compressed state.
    12. Stevo
      Oh, do you want to record the angles and stuff then? If so I can add some of the games to my fileshare for you to grab whatever you want out of them?
    13. Chron
      Boo, I don't have a Mac. Reason 5 should do though.
      Thanks man.
    14. Stevo
      I've got like 6 games or so saved, some fly through footage done. Just needs recording for you whenever you can get to it.
      I've "released" the map for the competition anyway, so the maps all set. The videos just for it's publicity and stuff now :)
    15. Chron
      Yo dawg. What program do you use for creating music? I've got some free time so I'm gonna try my hand at it. :D
    16. Stevo
      I was just thinking about Halo 4 Forge, and the new trait zones, and how they can be utillised in a map that isn't broken. My first thought was, you can now create 'radioactive' rooms in the maps focused around such things and have the rooms slowly damage players health when they're 'exposed'. I also thought you could create laser regions that kill players under certain circumstances, or use laser's that regenerate players shields....

      Then I thought, wow... we could actually make Regeneration Slayer exactly as it was originally intended, instead of the KOTH zones and stuff, we could just use the new trait zones and tweak the settings to do things right. I'd imagine the mini-game options would allow for shield leeching and such again, so we'd be on to a winner with the new forge :D

      Oh and p.s. are you able to make the video for Artificial in the next week or so?
    17. Stevo
      Well, no rush. I can always release the map and you can make a video to go with it whenever... I've started collecting some footage, but I haven't got anywhere near enough games saved yet to get decent action on it for the films, so... it'll be a while :)

      Once you see the map in action mind, I reckon you'll want to start playing around with the footage ;)
    18. Stevo
      I don't have the footage yet, and with my procrastination skills... it'll be a few weeks yet!
    19. Stevo
      You need to make a video for me... I'll record "teh sheet". You can stitch it together.
      And you can use your new music and stoofz to promote it :)
    20. Stevo
      Major bollocks... as if no one's written a program to do that yet :|
      If I had the programming knowledge with audio files, that'd be something I'd have done straight away!
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    Still here. Previous aliases: Crypto nv, Crypocalypse, Cryppy!


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