Shock Theta
Last Activity:
Jan 17, 2019 at 6:54 AM
Dec 3, 2007
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London, UK

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Shock Theta

Father of 4chub, from London, UK

Forge Critic Senior Member
Shock Theta was last seen:
Jan 17, 2019
    1. AllseeingEntity
      come forge maybe?
    2. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      No more crates? How will you survive? :P

      I haven't heard of this quote thread but I'll seek it out... and as for the sock monkeys I do not make them, but many of them come to me, allured by my linen aroma.
    3. N1NJ4
      i'm staring my new job june 21 and may not be on live for awhile. i will however be on forgehub. i qouted you in the quote thread. quick question do you make all these sock monkeys
    4. wells.jack
      I would like to sugest an event on forge hub that would coencide with the Summer Olymics in this year. Forge hub could host a halo olymics of a type where teams selected by national origin could compete against each other just like in the upcomeing olympic games. some of the events could include CTF, team oddball, team slayer, team king of the hill, vip, and mongoose raceing. Naturaly maps would have to be created for the events. the maps could be either from previous content or from new submissions entered specificaly for the games. this would likely bring out alot of great talent that we saw during both the Shell Shocked compition and during the 1 Vs 1 Tounament. Im sure that this could become a great event and that if anyone could make it work it would be Forgehub. thank you and you can contact me at
    5. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Not bad, chilling out and starting to gear up for getting temporary work so I can fund various endeavours, travelling and taking design courses. How you been doing man?
    6. N1NJ4
      so how's my favorite sock monkey been doin
    7. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      @ Matty, the only thing I did was post there, I presumed he gets enough spam as it is...

      @ pwninatr, a promise is a promise. <3
    8. pwninatr
      Hey, remember you said you'd check out my map? Well.. by some magic it was here when I got on after TGIF. (along with all the other fh changes) =)

    9. Matty
      I was thinking about applying for that, i didn't know it was still going. How did you apply Shock, did you just post there? Did you email him or anything?
    10. BASED GOD
      Sydney, Australia... It's just you and Matty sound COMPLETELY different.
    11. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      I hail from Bristol, but I alternate between there, Devon and Brighton. Moving to Exeter permanently in a few months, which should be interesting.

      Et toi?
    12. BASED GOD
      2000th visit!!! i r teh speshul! What part o England you from?
    13. a P3Rson
      a P3Rson
      i've recently posted]this[/url]

      However, I don't think it's going to get very popular sitting there as a little thread. I would greatly appreciate(Along with the millions of Xbox live gamers) if you were to advertise this thread in some way on the site to get all(or at least TONS) of forghehubbers to sign this petition to put an end to the disastorous lag we all experience in matchmaking, and more importantly custom games.
    14. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      I think you should go for it Ivory, I need some company amongst the hordes. If he picks you I'd be happy for you. I certainly don't feel like I have the right to exclude anyone else from FH from offering their services.
    15. ZOMG
      Sock monkeys are pretty neat-o
    16. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      well, i don't feel up to it against you, but the rest of the screaming hordes of "we luv u walhsy let me 4ge wit yu" i'm quite confident... but i'm not gonna bother.
    17. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      I certainly won't stop you, or feel aggreived in any way. If you feel you can compete, go ahead.
    18. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      hmm... i'm actually thinking of entering that, i definitely would've if you hadn't, what do you think i should do?
    19. Shock Theta
    20. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      lol but it would be funnay! did you get chosen? can i even see the thread?
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    London, UK
    Shock Theta
    Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody is perhaps the most famous Auror of modern times, single-handedly responsible for capturing numerous wizard criminals. He is also said never to have killed his quarry - even when permitted to do so - unless he had no other choice. Moody's face is badly scarred and he has lost several body parts, including his left eye, right lower leg and part of his nose whilst fighting Dark wizards.