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Oct 4, 2020 at 11:15 PM
Aug 1, 2012
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Halo Reach Era, from From Mt. Moon

Senior Member
theSpinCycle was last seen:
Oct 4, 2020
    1. Auburn
      Tis Megaman.

      Sounds good, haha.
    2. Auburn
      hahaha, I'm no good with names man. I usually just name them off the song that I'm listening to at the time.

      Google Images, duh. If you mean the transparent background and colors, that was done in GIMP to fit my username better :p
    3. Auburn
      Yeah, I'll work on it when I can. Erm, a name?

      idk, basketcycle3014?
    4. Auburn
      hmm, I see your point. The teleporter as well as restricted lines of sight were the counter for the location you mention, but I'll see about adding the idea in there bro.
    5. Auburn
      I lost my most recent match :( I figured my strafe was too fast after looking at the clip. I might as well be standing still and crouching occasionally, hahaha.

      I originally interpretted your idea as a set of ramps going up from the bottom most section of the map to the upper floor of that bottom atrium (In regards to the sketchup screenshot). I do like that idea, but no so much the other.

    6. Auburn
      That doesn't have any relevance to my past post.

      Are you suggesting this because you think the highest elevation is too powerful? The inclne from bottom to the bottom atrium's upper floor was a great idea, but I have yet to understand the point and reasoning behind your latter suggestion.
    7. Auburn
      Ah, I understand what you're saying now. You want the ramps to start from the upper floor of the bottom atrium.

      I dislike that idea, gives to much power to bottom atrium and would jack the bottom-to-top teleporter system up as well. Also, that area above the ramp leading to the top atruims bottom mid is filled in to further restrict the upper floors line of sight.

      I will make a version with that idea though and see how works.
    8. Auburn
      Didn't understand that text once again, communicate with Paint skillz pls.

      So inclination where that green line is? That's actually a really good idea, I'll make those changes. Thanks man.

      For that, I may tell you what flr stands for.
    9. Auburn
      Depends when that is, but yeah, I should be open to help all week after 4pm.

      As for your suggestion with Shelby, I do not want to add any gadgets or tactical jumps as that's what I was trying to avoid when making the design. The LoS is already short, so I don't see much reason in restricting them more.

      You will have to enlighten me on where I should add the real path. I can't understand your explanations half the time :p I'm also not seeing how that center connection is constricted. In fact, it's wider than simply adding a 2x2 incline there.
    10. Auburn
      it was a joke man.

      don't take me too seriously, haha.
    11. Auburn
      You left the lobby right after getting your map tested.

    12. caughtsword4
      oh. wow. lol
    13. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      We shall have to play BTB le Muskets on Zealot now. :)
    14. StolenMadWolf
      Right thanks.
    15. StolenMadWolf
      Thanks for the feedback, sorry I have'nt replied sooner I couldn't get on the site for some reason.
    16. theSpinCycle
      It's cool :) Does Quake cost a lot? IDK.

      I was referring to the area with a lower elevation than the teleporter. lol. Honestly, I can't even tell you with certainty what I think of the room pattern because I have one isometric angle :( throws off my perception of height
    17. Auburn
      Then get Quake :D

      My bad, I kind of came off as a **** there. There's no area with a higher elevation than the teleporter, so I don't get what you mean. You mean change the tele to face the incline going into the room with water?

      Well, it doesn't matter anyway. Like I said, I know the design isn't a very good one, I just want to use the room pattern.
    18. Auburn
      Spin, that design is not a remake. Do you own Quake III or are you just basing this completely off images? No need to link Campgrounds, I know what it looks like and that its meant for Quake man.

      Your claim can be said about any map with more than a single tier in Halo. You should not rely on splash damage but instead a well designed counter in the layout. Halo and Quake are two completely different games, therefore maps transferred should be adjusted to fit the playstyle, not take aspects special to one and attempt to make it work (splash damage in this case). Do you see what I'm saying?

      Once again, feel free to explain how this is relevant to the design. I made it a long time ago, but even then I thought about what you're mentioning and tweaked the layout accordingly, although in a more lazy fashion than I should have :p
    19. Auburn
      Pshh school.

      You are right in the case of vertical heavy creations, but in a simple, two-tiered map in Halo, splash damage is not even needed if it is designed well. You will have to explain some more how that is relevant to the design.
    20. Auburn
      yep, it has some problems.

      shooow meee or idc :p
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    From Mt. Moon
    Killing your almonds - it's too late already.
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