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Feb 13, 2018 at 7:54 AM
Nov 25, 2008
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Legendary, from Fall Amy, Fly

Forge Critic Senior Member
RightSideTheory was last seen:
Feb 13, 2018
    1. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      Carowinds is ****ing great. I drive up from Georgia all the time.

      Great theme park, short lines, then Scarowinds once a year; Tis the ****.
    2. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      I hope to run into you at Scarowinds. :D
    3. Transactionzero
      My my. Whatever are you talking about?
    4. LD
      I have play warholic this round, he's at least an active member so I hope he'll make it .. but if I advance, my next enemy could be rorak as far as I remember, so I could just quit now ;)
    5. LD
      so far I didn't die a single time!
      I havn't played either ..
    6. Noxiw
      Hahaha, I've seen that one. Love it. :D
    7. chrstphrbrnnn
      Sounded good man thanks
    8. Organite
      Oh yea. That is happening soon isn't it...
      Well, something to table for H4 I suppose.
    9. Organite
      Talk to Shad0w.
      *nudge nudge*
    10. Audienceofone
      Thanks, but I'm just gonna ignore you and go ahead with saying it's terrible in nearly every way. :D
    11. Audienceofone
      Wow, I already hate this.
    12. Audienceofone
      So I thought about this for a while now, and this is what i came up with. I feel bad because it literally took me 5 minutes to make, but I enjoy the concept. At some point in the future I know I'll revisit this one, but feel free to use it if you wish.


    13. Organite
      And on the subject of laser tag, I bet FH could set up some pretty cool laser tag maps.
      Laser Tag Map Contest!
    14. Organite
      Awe :]
      Yea, school has caught me in it's dreadful web once again.
      Allowing not much more room from solving differential equations and statics problems.

      I'll be back to my old self once I get the hang of my classes.
      I am taking a particularly heavy load this semester.
      Plus working two jobs.

      In all honesty, the fact that I'm breathing baffles me >.>
    15. Noxiw
      That's a good reason to feel down. I know that feel, bro.
    16. Noxiw
      Awwwww yeah! That kitty gallery has a purpose! :D

      Why are you feeling down though?
    17. Stevo
      Cheers, just figured I'd post the actual reason the 'fault' occurs so other people looking to fix the issue won't have to re-post.
    18. Stevo
      Dude, can you edit this response into your post in this Locked thread?

      This 'fault' is a power-saving feature included on newer Xbox's. When you turn your xbox on without having a detectable video source connected, the Xbox starts up in a 'Sleep' mode. If you've never experienced this before, it's likely your TV doesn't support the 'Wake up' communication the Xbox sends out.

      I was going to recommend checking your video cables to rectify the issue. If you leave the Xbox in this Power-save mode for 15 minutes, the Xbox will turn itself, and the controller, off to conserve power and electricity.

      On TV's that do support the 'Wake up' feature, you need to have the right channel selected prior to turning the Xbox on as the device will be able to communicate with the TV, but as the signal is not being displayed, the TV returns a message to say the device is not needed at that moment in time.
    19. thesilencebroken
      Hey, maybe they're the 1%.
    20. thesilencebroken
      99% of the time, the singer writes the lyrics themselves. You'll find that often.
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