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May 1, 2008
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Ancient, Male, from London, UK

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Pegasi was last seen:
Jun 12, 2023
    1. chrstphrbrnnn
      I can't remember, did you say you were a bigger fan of Nova or Apex?
    2. SargeantSarcasm
      $125 if I remember correctly.
    3. SargeantSarcasm
      Looks like I'm getting the Rhino Steady after all. I'm gonna try and get the kickstarter price if the guy is cool enough to do so, but I don't know.
    4. chrstphrbrnnn
      Lol you wrote on your own wall and I just noticed :P

      I'm excited, though as I grow more accustom to CM10 I'm really starting to like it. Google now is soooooo cool.
    5. Pegasi
      Awesome. I wonder what TW 4.1 will be like in comparison.
    6. chrstphrbrnnn
      Yeah, November. S3 gets it in October. Pretty stoked.
    7. chrstphrbrnnn
      I too am waiting for the next Nexus. I had a GNex for a couple weeks, but I didn't want to sign a huge contract extension when the phone was already a bit old and given that it had some already pretty weak specs, I figured it'd be outdated pretty quick. I just hope the next Nexus goes beyond current specs and not floating slightly below them. It likely won't but I can't suffer a 5mp camera again lol. I got my S2 for free, so I totally happy right now and have complete freedom to decide when I get a new phone.

      I'll probably try RR once JB is officially released for the S2. Maybe before, who knows. I really enjoy CM nightlies.
    8. chrstphrbrnnn
      You're not having much luck with that S2..pick up the S3 :P

      Yeah, Touchwiz has a lot of faults, I'm more comparing stock android to other launchers. Other launchers always try to do things differently and they end up feeling "cheesy" as a results. Haven't spent much time with Nova/Apex and not willing to drop 5 bux on it to get the real features until I know whether I'd actually use it but they do feel better than things like Go launcher did. My main problem with launchers is I just don't feel like they're as smooth or stable as default. Once CM10 has been running for ten seconds after boot, all apps are lightning fast to open and browser is sexy smooth.

      I do miss the some of the apps from TW though. Dark background messaging app, better dialer, better clock and better contacts. Touchwiz looks kinda ugly and the bloat is annoying but some of those staple apps preform better IMO.
    9. chrstphrbrnnn
      Unread count* It's one of the only things that really bugs me about stock android..and I've yet to really enjoy any launchers. They always feel so...unofficial to me. I do enjoy CM because the team is very focused on making sure the rom is the best it can be. I believe there is a JB Resurrection Remix? I might have to try it out.
    10. chrstphrbrnnn
      Finally upgraded to CM10. Pretty stable and very smooth and fast once it's booted and things are put in memory. I hate my loss of unread count (not CM10's fault, just newer base android annoyance) and I hate the white backgrounds on messaging and contacts apps, but google now is super cool. It just kinda takes your information and predicts random things. Like for instance, I left the house earlier and I don't know exactly why, but it gave me the time and traffic conditions to the movie theatre, which is where I was going. I hadn't even searched it on my phone today lol.
    11. DRiSCOLL
      Ha what can I say, yeah I have like 3 or 4 that i did early on release and about 10 planned but never got around to it. that true, might as well start a fresh, going to be rusty to say the least.
    12. SargeantSarcasm
      No problem. Will do.
    13. SargeantSarcasm
      However, if I had the money now, and the one I will eventually be buying so I can upgrade to DSLRs but still have one compatible with the iphone is the Rhino EZ Steady. Very durable, very sleek, and it has a life-time warranty apparently.
    14. SargeantSarcasm
      As for stabilizers, there are a few. The one I was looking at, particularly because want the most stable shot (and not necessarily the ability to shift the camera on a fixed rotation like other stabilizers) is something called the stabil-i which is really cool and really cheap. However, it won't be out for a few months, particularly because it didn't reach its funding goal. But I think they said it'll be out by christmas.

      The Picosteady is the one I'd go with if the former wasn't going to be available. There's also The Slingshot.
    15. SargeantSarcasm
      It depends on what you mean. There are a few very good small lens attachments that serve different purposes, and if you think he'd just want varied views and camera options I can link you several I was looking at.

      However, as for the "professional" lenses, like ones you'd normally attach to an actual camera, I'm still in the middle of learning what lenses I should buy. I was going to ask one of the professors at my school for his input actually.

      What I can say is not to get zoom lenses, "prime lenses" or the ones that are just one focal length (30mm, 50mm, etc) are awesome and the ones you should spend money on.
    16. SargeantSarcasm
      I haven't looked into imovie on the iphone yet, but mainly it was just planned to be the latter. I'm not doing anything particularly amazing edit-wise so it won't really make a difference either way. Just focusing on story and style.

      I wanted to get a DSLR but it was a few hundred out of my price range and I've needed a new MP3 player, and my phone is quite dated. That, coupled with the fact that I can get a stabilizer, attach professional lenses, etc for cheap, and slowly grow my production materials so that I have what I need when I finally do get an amazing camera, just made it an easy sell for me.
    17. SargeantSarcasm
      Ahhh. I'm mostly interested in it because I want to use it for filmmaking (considering the obscene amount of filmmaking peripherals available for the 4s at the moment, which makes it the cheapest filmmaking platform for the quality) but I knew the 5 was around the corner so I've been waiting for months.
    18. SargeantSarcasm
      Any interest in the new iphone?
    19. DRiSCOLL
      ahh sometimes my creative juice starts to flow and I feel I need to get on halo 3.. wow I feel a bit old with halo 4 around the corner.
    20. Stevo
      I must respectfully but strongly disagree.
      Your opinion is 'bad'.
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