Hey, Got plans for a Sacrement rebuild, Mainly because the original feels too small or not very adaptable, should I try the new Sacrement based on your suggestions or should I try and see what I can do with the old one?
All right, I have a new 1v1 map planned out :P I don't know whether to call it a single or tri atrium map, though - the design is basically two rings around a center atrium, with connections between the levels in two side quasi-atriums and at one other spot. I have an interesting jail-style theme going too.. I'm actually inspired to try this even without Live...
No, I mean what IS your avatar? We'll call the map "Gangnam style" for now, then? :P Because that's what I'm listening to at the moment...
lolz, "Let's get a game on basketcycle3014" :P I'm going through some of the troubleshoot stuff.. if that doesn't work, I probably need to buy another year of live.. EDIT: Where'd you get that avatar from? EDIT 2: Lol, I've knocked oxitran off your page again :P Just me, lol
My live is bonking out on me.. If you've got the map in your temporary history, you can work on it if you want (read: you don't have to.. that would be rude). It'll probably take a while to get my live back.. Whatever you want, at this point. :(
Cool. BTW, the map's structure is finished. I was one wall short (??? idk how) so I BSd a corner with staircases on one side. I doubt anyone will notice it unless they're looking for it, and maybe not even then. Now on to the teleporters, spawning, and weapons :P I think we have about 700 budget left... this is going to be close :P EDIT: Any ideas for a name? Even a temp one? I'm blanking right now..
Aww, that's too bad. :( The point of the latter suggestion was to balance the upper floor of the top atrium - Right now, every viewpoint on that top ground lacks height advantage (well, duh)Hence adding a level battleground. Anyone lower would be able to nade off the ceiling into the route, so it would only really serve a purpose against the previously mentioned location. Does that clarify the second suggestion? Like I said before, it's definitely more iffy than the first suggestion.
The curve in the paint line was on purpose - it was supposed to block new LoS between the two atriums. EDIT: If you're still in the smackdown tournament (I haven't looked), then some advice from the last match. You tried that super twitchy strafe thing to try to dodge some shots... widen it up. It was pretty short and predictable in timing. Great final battle for the game :) EDIT 2: How did you originally interpret my idea? Just curious..
Basically, either inclination where that green line is OR having that path stop before the inclination with a view over the top atrium. If you do the latter, however, you might want to move the lower blue teleporter to a more suitable spot (not visible from that ledge). The second suggestion was definitely more iffy, though.
[spoiler][IMG][/spoiler] The green is the path I'm talking about. It could provide an interesting alternative to the teleporter, but it could also be viewed as redundant. Another idea is to have the route, but not the ramp. That way, it would function somewhat inversely to the blue teleporter, which I take is one-way right now. (There would be an overlook on the top atrium, but no actual ramp up directly.) Top mid would make that ledge a dangerous place to hang in for long.. one would risk being trapped into a dead end. It might make the highest ground more dangerous than it already is.. and it's already dangerous :( That's my opinion. What do you think?
Meaning that there's only one eight - if you added the path I'm talking about, there would be opportunity to double back around one atrium without making a 180. It would make for more variety in map flow. The path I'm talking about slopes up from the raised area at the left side of the top atrium to the bottom atrium's side of top mid. I'll use paint to describe it..brb
Lol, and I was just about ready to send you that picture that said "Well, that escalated quickly".... Clutch match, there :P Maybe we should get on Grotto sometime? Also, I've been working on that CTF map. I aesthetically revamped the base areas, gained about two hundred dollars in budget, and gained back about fifteen bridge pieces (YAY) :P Almost there... I've got off for Rosh Hashanah.. it looks like finishing and testing before the Flag Reset deadline will be feasible. Speaking of Rosh Hashanah, do you want to / are you free to finish up the map with me then?
My bad, it wasn't my map, and it wasn't actually my lobby either. Caughtsword asked me for a 1v1, but then he had a guest... sorry. As for leaving immediately after, I had people on my back telling me to leave... and once they heard "Game Over", they got annoyed. I was supposed to leave a couple minutes before, but decided to finish the match. Sorry for being a douche.
ok thanks for the feedback. I have thought up many changes about the map but unfortunately i wont have access to my xbox till the 24th:( One change i was really hopeful for is changing the bottom of the centre structure 1) so it has no access to the second level, 2)adding a revenant into the bottom level, and 3) having one open side to exit with the revenant, and three closed sides which you can still shoot through sort of like the underground building windows in Isolation. I know its wierd to post this as a message but i didnt want to bump my map thread:)
Yeah, I'm definitely waiting on that design until Halo 4. I'd much rather finish up that CTF map, even if it's not in time for the contest :(
Bah, posted in my own board. AGAIN. ctrl C+V It's cool :) Does Quake cost a lot? IDK. I was referring to the area with a lower elevation than the teleporter. lol. Honestly, I can't even tell you with certainty what I think of the room pattern because I have one isometric angle :( throws off my perception of height Don't know anything about the bottom, either :( Edit: Every message on your visitors' board is by me. LOL
** confuses remakes and inspirations ** sorry :P Look at that curved pillar thing in the center of the map. From what I can see, the right side dominates the area underneath. I'm only speculating - I only have one angle :( Also, what about that yellow teleporter area? (Not sure about this one - my perspective is messed up here too) My suggestion being turning the teleporter to face the elevated area and lengthening / narrowing the elevated stretch to that teleporter. I'm inferring a lot. I don't know what that blue is (water?) whether that teleporter is actually a sender or not, where it connects to, where the power weapons are, etc, so feel free to correct me. I'm going on a lot less than you are. The campgrounds link was for myself - I know you're familiar with campgrounds. I just didn't want to go find it myself repeatedly (hence for picture reference) I've been looking at individual pictures and trying to piece them together.. it's actually quite hard to do correctly.
Well, first of all, I'm assuming you remade Campgrounds. The layout looks faintly familiar (I found the map on google) and second of all, lack of splash damage allows players in Halo to back to the furthest edge of the higher platform and thus avoid being shot with a DMR/whatever. (There's no angle straight from the person on the lower ground up to the guy crouching in the corner) If there were more splash weapons, a player could just aim for the minimum angle and get a kill that way. Just a warning, since Campgrounds wasn't originally designed for Halo. Campgrounds - Quake Live Wiki (just for future reference)
Yeah, school's started, so IDK if I'm even going to bother yet. Sketching even basic stuff will gobble up a few hours that I don't have... I bit off a lot this year D: I'll show you at some point or the other, but it's highly doubtful that I will forge it iin Reach. I have a long weekend coming up, and I think I'll use that to work more on the 4v4 map (speaking of which, any ideas for names?). I think the walkway large/bridge XL walling by the back corners needs to go.. it's taking up most of the bridge space.. I think platform XLs would be better in terms of piece usage... Stupid budget :( Anyway, quake maps in general, when ported too loyally to Halo, tend to have top-heavy issues. There just aren't as many powerful splash damage weapons in Halo 1v1s as there are in Quake... (ceiling splash)
Could you upload the sketchup file or post a few more views? I recognize the center room with the yellow teleporter (I looked up campgrounds online), but nothing else :( The layout as it is seems prone to top-heavy camping. IDK what you're planning as for powerups and weapons. EDIT: I've come up with part of a new 4sk/camo layout :)