Ok, if we play Saturday 11pm GMT (Mexico = 5pm) is this good? - I will be on xbox live 10 minutes before so that we can set up the game and commence play.
Hey dude its JRG1980 your smackdown opponent I see your registered timezone is GMT but your in mexico? - I'm in england and normally 5 - 7 hours ahead of you so the times I've given you are obviously local to me (GMT) so let me know by your local time when you want to meet and what day, I'm not available until thursday brother Yeah I've checked and I'm +6 your local time so I think if you can commit to saturday night at 11 my time that makes it 5pm for you, or at a push I can do 12am gmt friday night so 6pm fri? Or last resort sunday afternoon my time so sunday morn u? Let me know and its a deal