Pit Article: Bungie.net : Excavating The Pit : 5/27/2010 9:44 AM PDT This is another article I like on Modular Design: http://www.scottjonescg.co.uk/FYPResearch/Investigation_into_modular_design_within_computer_games_v1.0.pdf
I just realized something; although I don't want to wreck the traffic going through Green, it is a huge power position. Also, it doesn't look like there will be much traffic through the area above the bases (see pic).. I'm liking your suggestion more now. I'll add you on Live when I actually get on. [spoiler][IMG][/spoiler]
Hahah nah its all good. But yeah, i think everyone is sharing a similar pain at the moment against forge and its future. :(
Yeah trust me im just as pissed off as you are. In reach i was the guy with the ton of unreleased unique invasion maps. Now i cant do anything invasion like because of the lack of gametypes and now the lack of space. Sorry if i came across as blind fanboy. Some of the things theyve changed are absolute ridiculous but overall, i honestly see this being a good game (at least on par if not better than reach).
That's been my problem with the MLG community and a lot of people on this community too. They believe success in making a Forge map depends on how closely you follow "the formula".
Okay. I knew I had heard the name before, but I just wasn't sure if he was someone in on the joke and being not involved in MLG keeps me outta that loop I guess >.<
Looking at your sig and scouring the thread it links to I still have to ask: What the hell is a SaLoT?
Roughly put, what kind of game is it? The pictures are vague, I don't feel like bothering with a trial right now (almost no free memory), and it's 2.99. Then again, I've had like four dollers credit on my phone for almost a year now, so my standards aren't exactly high. I just kind of want a general "What are we talking about here?" so I don't end up with a really pretty Tetris. I almost want to get it purely because it has music by Chipzel.