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Sep 15, 2013 at 7:20 PM
Aug 23, 2012
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Promethean, from Southwest Michigan

MrObviou5 was last seen:
Sep 15, 2013
    1. Stevo
      Hey, thanks for the comment on Artificial, dude!
      I'm glad you like some of my work. I'm still learning with Forge, but hopefully I'll release my best content yet on Halo 4 :)
    2. theSpinCycle
      Well, since the map's so small, and you've relegated the teams to their own sides (assuming slayer), you're going to create a worse spawnkilling situation. Killing off spawn or spawntrapping is often intended to encourage players to take over an entire map. The maps you mentioned, as far as I have noticed, can be spawntrapped mostly by teams that outstrip your own by a significant margin.

      As for the GL platform, I noticed the ledge and used it, but still couldn't get up. Adding hard routes in is probably a good idea in any case.

      As a bit of advice, don't always use pieces for what they're intended for. You've done that for much of the time on both of your maps. Also, "learning curves" in the sense that you used them don't vary - they're knowledge gained over time.
    3. theSpinCycle
      Alright, sorry for not replying before. I went to a poorly planned surprise party (I wasn't the one being surprised and I actually thought we were just going out to eat..) so I couldn't reply.

      Anyway, let's get started: The map is essentially a large square. It's super duper open right now and lacks any sort of structure. The closest you came are a couple low walls. Next: I booted up MLG movement settings and I couldn't jump out of the GL area. Plus, there's no hard path in/out anyway. The spawning consists of a couple spawns in groups - it'll make the openness even worse. As it is, the map's already so open that spawnkilling would be easy.

      Aesthetically, a major improvement from your old map, although the object use was somewhat predictable.
    4. theSpinCycle
      Just use a couple pieces for floor repeatedly. They're usually not supposed to be flashy - people usually are looking at walls.
    5. xSharpshooter94
      I fixed it for you, don't use the IMG codes for thumbnails, jsut the URL will do. =D
    6. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      I can definitely help you! no longer hosts files, however, Halo Waypoint does. is the site. You can sign in the same way you signed into and access your fileshare to post links to it.

      Let me know if you need anymore help!
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    Southwest Michigan
    Not much to say, just been playin' since H1 relesed was dissapointed in H3 but was re-addicted when Reach came out. Looking forward to seeing what 343 has in mind for the next chapter.

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