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Aug 1, 2012
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Killing your almonds - it's too late already.

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Halo Reach Era, from From Mt. Moon

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theSpinCycle was last seen:
Oct 4, 2020
    1. MockKnizzle008
      yo! posted a map preview :P
    2. Auburn
      lolno, I just didn't feel like writing anything at the time and forgot. If you want, we can co-forge although I don't know how much I can do considering the design is already finished.
    3. pyro
    4. pyro
      I know you're smart enough to find one of the three incredibly easy ways to do this.
    5. pyro
      Not saying.
    6. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      Getting people for the testing is kind of hit and miss. I usually just find a lobby already going. But if we need a player and you are online feel free to join, you may be invited.
    7. PA1NTS
      Just to be clear, I'm not part of the Tester's Guild. Yes, you can still participate in the tests, that is if they invite you to help them test. Or just talk with one of them, I'm sure they'd be happy to send you an invite.
    8. Auburn
      I'm not good at judging size, so I would say just forge it and test it to conclude that. Yeah, sender may be a problem as it is. Now, if there were a way to quickly cut off a player who went through the teleporter or have quick access to a position with LoS on the reviecer than it may be good. Another thing you could do is make the reciever area more risky. I'm just pulling things out of my ass right now though :p
    9. FM and the BB
      FM and the BB
      It's all good. Now I don't have to pay out my money, but that wasn't a big deal in the first place.
    10. MockKnizzle008
      edited my post with an updated sketch :)
    11. SecretSchnitzel
      True, but still, gotta stand by your convictions. Hard learned lesson for him.
    12. Blackout8SIX
      Its cool, no hard feelings.
    13. Auburn
      Nopo, too much effort :p Yeah, it's on the small side for 4v4.
    14. Auburn
      [spoiler][IMG]Red: Example solution
      Blue: Problem I mentioned[/spoiler]My explanation is below.
    15. Auburn
      Spoiler the sketch pl0x. Yay, inverse is much better than regular, but I'm going to complain some more. Although it isn't anything too problematic, you will want to avoid having all of the entrances facing the same direction. It just leads to gameplay to become either a large clash in the center or one team invading the others'. I know that's kind of confusing, but you see what I mean? The key aspects of objective gameplay is teamwork and strategy, thus is the reason why there should be more paths than usual that come from all directions and height to create more options. As of right now, I would only have three options to get into each base, all of which are at the same height and same direction of attack. This is going somewhere, but it needs more... variety, for say. I think you could manage to slip these things into the design and if you can, attempt to add some overlap too, but not a whole lot. Like I said, this is definately getting somewhere :D
    16. Auburn
      Nah, I don't need the file and yeah, show it to me whenever.
    17. xzamplez
      I think you are looking too far into it. I was addressing his statement regarding the map's performance depending on the two players' skill gap. Skill referring to having the necessary abilities to beat the opponent.

      Whether or not he changes the map was not the point of my statement.
    18. theSpinCycle
      Do you mean in forge or in sketchup? I'm fine with it either way, though.

      I think I get the teleporter now. Flag returning path cutoff.

      Also, wasn't there an MLG map with a teleporter from each side of the map to the center? And if I recall right, wasn't it point symmetrical too? The name's on the tip of my tongue, but I just can't remember.....
    19. Auburn
      I think you're blowing that stretch way out of proportion, haha. It would not be that difficult to capture the flag from that position I mentioned. Your map though, you'll have to play it and see I suppose. The teleporter would be a way to cut off the enemy going down the left side, but the map is small, so that wouldn't work well I guess. It's worth a try though.

      I can go through and make edits to the design if you'd like. Your choice though man.
    20. theSpinCycle
      By bottom red, I'm assuming you mean the bottom of the atrium? What purpose would having a teleporter from the atrium to the outer edge of the sniper room serve? Players would still have to come up the same path towards the flag..

      Although a lack of flanking path on the left side could balance out the shorter distance, I don't want to make flag capping impossible.. Hmm..

      As for the inverse symmetricality, I think I'll give it a shot. I'm curious as to how you'd rework the center connections, though. I think I'd have to add another room opposite from the sniper room. That means I can't isolate both the sniper room and the room opposite sniper from the rocket hall. Otherwise, there would only be two exits from rocket hall, and only one for retreat, rather than four like there are now. So I need to open up the map even more :P
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    From Mt. Moon
    Killing your almonds - it's too late already.
    Washing clothes..


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