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Nov 15, 2012 at 6:52 PM
Jan 7, 2012
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SawtoothMoney86 was last seen:
Nov 15, 2012
    1. Legistics
      Hey sawtooth, after testing Downtown with you I have to say it's pretty good looking, keep it up.
    2. MacoroniMayorTOFU
      Well that might work. If I cant find anyone I will do what you suggetsed.
    3. MacoroniMayorTOFU
      Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to be a guest judge for the foge factor contest. Just sign up here. The challenge for the week is Linear Infection.
    4. REMkings
      hey you know that secret type map i was talking about on youtube, it's done and it's epic could we get a lobby on it this sunday by chance? or maybe you could just come into my game and look at it?
      I think so, yeah. I'll be online next Sunday at 1pm EST, I'm also going to test Deadborough and Favela Run.
    5. MacoroniMayorTOFU
      Please join my new group.. Team Of Forgers United
    6. MacoroniMayorTOFU
      I wanna check out your channel. I heard you talking about it with one of your friends.
    7. MacoroniMayorTOFU
      Hey, what is your channel name I want to go check it out.
    8. REMkings
      Yeah I've seen the video on your channel, and I've been talking about the map with Oakley. He said it's a pretty cool map indeed!
      So I'll be checking it out in BIOC next time (didn't get around to it the other day)

      I'm online quite frequently around 9 so it's not that big of a deal to me, by the way
    9. REMkings
    10. REMkings
      Ooh too bad :(
    11. REMkings
      No problem, I like chatting. You can add me on Skype if you want.
    12. REMkings
      Yeah I'm thinking of a such a way. We could probably do something similar indeed, and then have multiple staff members see how the applying person hosts his lobby by playing with him sometime (so multiple lobbies with a different staff member in it each time), and then together decide whether he will be added to the staff or not. Maybe we can also do something with guest / occasional hosts. I'm not sure yet, I will come back to that in the future.
      Don't worry about it, I won't forget about your application and I already know you well enough to say that you can be a good host, I think.
    13. REMkings
      Yep, that girl was me. xD
      And well, basically to become a staff member, in its current way of "applying" people just have to ask me. However, I'm hoping to think of some other, more official way for people to apply for a "job" in the staff. So I will come back to that in the future. Right now, though, the staff is pretty much complete, and it would be hard to introduces newbies to all the rules and stuff that has been going on and such, but if (- when) we need more people in the future I'll put you on the list of people that are interested.
    14. REMkings
      also how well do you know REMkings

      yes that was a sexual reference LOL
      Everyone knows I'm actually oomishday's secret girlfriend. xD
    15. oomishday3
      i know REMkings decently well i guess just from playing with him a few times, i dont know oldmps's schedule at all, i liked the looks of REMkings map the most but the gameplay of mine :) and give me a link to that thing you're talking about
    16. oomishday3
    17. REMkings
      I'm currently working on an Infection map with a twist, I'd say the forging is about 80% done and I hope to test it for the first time in my next BIOC lobby (Sunday 15th), so you can wait for that map to come out soon. I did make one more Infection map before, but I never truly released it because I wanted to finish it in a rush so I could join some contest. Now, I've learned that you should never rush maps to join contests because usually the result won't be very satisfying. It's not a bad map, though, but I'm just not happy enough with it that I would call it an official map of mine. But, basically it's a pre-version of Lone Souls in a Lost Mine, so that's why I made Lone Souls: because I didn't like this first version.
      Have fun with your trip, I'll speak to you soon then
    18. REMkings
      Haha thank you, I'm not that big of an infection genius at all really, I'm only getting into it now. I'm just lucky that I've played sooo many infection maps and have been playing with guys like Oakley HiDef quite some time, that I've found my way around in it now and know the mechanics, and because of all this custom gaming and forging experience I kinda know what makes a map good, when it comes to Infection or maps in general. And I guess it's partially based on "talent", because Lone Souls was my first true attempt at an Infection map.
      And about your map, I'll check it out soon to see how it plays.
    19. REMkings
      I really liked that map you just showed me, the aesthetics are great and it really looks like a laboratory. Everything was forged smoothly, and the weapon spawns seemed okay. I'll try and play a game or two on it soon to see how it plays, but seeing as Oakley likes it I don't think I'll meet any major issues that would need tweaking. Great job already
    20. SawtoothMoney86
      also from the one comment i saw it looks like they said there wasn't enough cover, do you mind if i take a few more shots and put them on my fileshare and we use them to?
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