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Feb 8, 2012
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I voulenteer at the aquarium

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Forerunner, from Virginia

Senior Member
Waterfall was last seen:
Nov 30, 2022
    1. Wort wort 117
    2. Wort wort 117
    3. ArmadillosTHFC
      cool. link me to the thread when it's up
    4. Pulpapple
      Try to look away while you can haha
    5. Pulpapple
      Sure, I've been busy anyways and can only 'truly' work on it during the weekend. Sometimes during the week [school and work].

      Anyways, I can give you my email or fb - I frequently check that, but I'm not sure how frequently I will check forgehub anytime soon.
    6. Isaiahs grotto
      Isaiahs grotto
      hey bro sorry ive been gone so busy.............................. any hoo you get first picks with some new maps ive made realsing in august for sure
    7. Dax
      Hey, um, poop face... That's what you go by now? Ok, well anyway, I'm on a mission. Be my friend?
    8. Auburn
      Here poop face.
    9. caughtsword4
      Well actually I was just scrolling through my profile and I realized that my friends list is empty.
    10. ArmadillosTHFC
      I don't like the map so I am not going to rub my testicles of love all over it.

      I love you
    11. Pulpapple
      Yeah, just watch the video and see how they speed up the footage with the falcon, and then here's what I was talking about with 300.
      300 - The Best Fight Scene - YouTube
    12. Pulpapple
      Whatever music you want is fine with me. ;] It will be your video for the most part. I'll look into it though, I love the Halo 3 soundtrack, so I'm sure there will be no quandaries.

      As for the video below, it gave me an idea...what if we displayed certain parts, and then sped it up to transition the scene from one ideal footage to another, if they can exist almost simultaneously - if that makes sense?
      If not, think of the cinematics from 300, or the Watchmen.
    13. Waterfall
      Ok so I got a song.

      This is the hour from the halo 3 sound track.
      The reason I chose this song is because it starts if slower paced then picks up.
      This allowes a few cinematic shots before going into action shots.
      It also gives a nice intro if I /we wanted to talk.
      Not specifically about the map because it's just the preview. But about the origins of the map.what it came from and what it came to be.you know some inspired words with the music and gameplay in the background.
      Idk just my idea probably pretty cliche but whatever.
    14. Waterfall
      How abt I link you straight to the TG feedback?
    15. Pulpapple
      Alright. Sounds like a plan - I can't guarantee how free I will be after I get back, but if there's room during the weekend, I'll see then about this. Music from the Halo soundtrack sounds like a good idea as well.
      Sounds like a great map still, you have to tell me what the TG thought! =]
    16. Pulpapple
      Oh no, it's fine. It would be good practice for me - however, if you have a selection of domestic made music, or music that wouldn't be copyrighted [without lyrics] then I would love to use it as well.

      So basically, just like a trailer?
      If so, then I may need you to take some shots of gameplay we get and then I can download it from your fileshare. I would do it myself, but I want to put up more than one of your maps, so this way would be less time consuming. ;D
    17. Pulpapple
      It's fine. I'm in Florida right now and won't be back for about a week...so I guess it works out perfectly. ^_^
    18. Eightball
      I like your sig, but I thought I'd let you know, that you should put a comma after "Wake up".

      It's proper grammar and will make your sig look a bit more professional and intelligent. :)
    19. ArmadillosTHFC
      sounds cool. originally, being an mlg map, the idea was to include CTF, KOTH and slayer, but now the baby has grown up (LOL) so i would love to see how it plays. as soon as the ups version is recorded, link me straight away, this should be amazing. thanks again man
      * MLG pointless, at least outdated as map is v5 at best. evade and needles = gone.
    20. Pulpapple
      Also, if I can get it to sync properly then I think you may have just found our solution to the problem!
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  • About

    September 3
    I voulenteer at the aquarium
    I love to forge and play custom games I concider myself a decent forger.I'm a 18 year old guy from America and all I want to do is have a good time .

    Forge and custom games



    TZ wuz here