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London, England

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Promethean, from London, England

ArmadillosTHFC was last seen:
Mar 8, 2013
    1. Waterfall
      Yo the map is going through final changes before it is ready for a preview
    2. JDHarbs19
      I've personally stopped working on the Anniv. project as the only maps that really can be made already have been. Maps like High Noon and Ridgeline have good forge palettes, but the maps themselves are so animated that it causes even the most well-forged map out there to have performance issues and be plagued by framerate drops.

      If you already have a map that you've started then I'd love to check it out once you're finished, but only those few REALLY small maps (Warlock, Longest, etc.) that won't be impacted as badly and we've already completed those.

      At this point in the game's life cycle and w/ Halo 4 right around the corner, it's not too wise to start a Forging project as it won't get the recognition it deserves in the end if it ends up being well done. You can bet that we will be getting ready to do some remakes for Halo 4 though so my suggestion to you would be to hold off on those maps and we can work on them together when Halo 4 hits in a few months.
    3. Waterfall
      Haha lol I remember that!
    4. Waterfall
      Hey I submitted impurity to the TG again.check it out.
    5. Waterfall
      Ya I understand abt the friends list...I will keep you updated I just need to make the map and spawning work with some gametypes(CTF,KOTH,ODDBALL,)idk abt the rest.
      Then I have a few ideas of how to fix frame rate then just a few adjustments to the lines of sight and bam.a beautiful map(a beautiful baby) lol.
      It will be easy to get a vid now.
      We can do our original idea for a map preview.i guess.i will write up the preview and throw in your thoughts and some stuff like that too.
    6. Waterfall
      Hey I saw your comment on the TG feedback for impurity.

      I saw you were planning on adjusting a few things but I think you are forgetting that as you have no harddrive you have an outdated version of the map.
      However you keep removing me as a friend so I just figured you had no more interest with impurity(partially because you told me that you just wanted to start on a new map)
      anyways if you want the latest updates to it(they were many)[framerate,performance,aesthetics,piece usage] that is about it but you will have to get in contact with me so we can go into forge sometime.(I also want to make the map work with all gametypes sometime.(all competitive gametypes)
    7. REMkings
      Ell and I are both hosting on Sunday (22th). Np, glad I might be of help.
    8. REMkings
      wait, wut? what do you mean with "when"?
      And I could give you some advice with 1v1 maps but I don't know everything in the world about Slayer so I would also contact different people.
    9. REMkings
      Will you sign up for the next BIOC lobby? :)
    10. Waterfall
      Hey when do you want to start to work on impurity again?
    11. REMkings
      You can sign up for the newest round but you gotta be quick, the deadline ends tonight!!
      Tell your friends as well! :)

      I would help but I don't think my parents will allow me. Tomorrow I'll be on, around 1pm CET (which is 7am CET, don't know if you could make it)
    12. REMkings
      You should sign up for the new BIOC round! :)
    13. Waterfall
      We got pretty good feedback in impurity.i see you have it below so I won't link you there are a few changes when do you want to start on impurity 2.0? ;)
    14. Auburn
      Here is the feedback for Impurity.
    15. SuperCoolHerb
      im working till 7pm eastern. if u can get a vid on ur fileshare or the map itself i can record that and put it up
    16. Waterfall
      I have an event tomorrow at 3:00 we are testing maps from the TG if we get low enough people we can test you want to come help test?the more the merrier :)
    17. Waterfall
      Hey long time no see huh? Anyways fileshares are back up best get to final testing?then we can get a map preview get final feedback,final adjustments based on feedback then release the map!
      I talked to THFE no reply from the competitive dept.but I'm going to keep trying untill I get some kind of reply.
    18. SuperCoolHerb
      soooooooooo map ready for preview? the onne from like a month ago?
    19. Auburn
      Soooo, how does JackBasket look like Ether?
    20. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      If you guys are going to necro-bump threads at least comment on good ones. Why in the world would you take Equinox's oldest map that does not represent his work as a whole and give it a 1 minute review? Don't spotlight something like that, it affects how people look at you and how people view Equinox as a forger.
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    December 30
    London, England
    Don't touch that, you have no idea what it is... Or where it's been...

    Shooting Unicorns, Listening to Music, Gaming, BMXing,


    Check out my Chiron Remake...

    Originally Posted by Xx Overkill VR [​IMG] looks like you focused all your resources on the wheel...

    I have 2000 budget left. I also have a wheel. You have neither. lol