Last Activity:
Aug 18, 2012 at 12:25 PM
Dec 1, 2009
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iDieAgaain was last seen:
Aug 18, 2012
    1. iDieAgaain
      Crackers are bad.
    2. Bio Cobalt
      Bio Cobalt
      I've just gotten LIVE back, but i've decided to put off map making for now.. so when/if I find interest in completing my maps i'll let you know. Thanks for offering!
    3. Bio Cobalt
      Bio Cobalt
      haha i've run out of live also.. so i have no idea when i will be getting it back..
    4. Bio Cobalt
      Bio Cobalt
      haha sounds good, i'd love to help with yours/ get mine done! But..... unfortunately right now.. im out of live for my main account and i have to use a sub-account until i get more LIVE time. I can, for the meantime however, help you with your maps until i get LIVE.
    5. Sgt Surchin
      Sgt Surchin
      i can help you with mid/close range snipers
    6. iDieAgaain
      What pic is it that I need to post? I can't get pictures at the moment anyways. I might be able to get some on soon, but untill then, stop criticizing me. Thank You for your cooperation.
    7. OGRE1 iz Back
      OGRE1 iz Back
      i would just like to tell you ur goin to get a lot of crap from people if you dont put in a link or pic..... in ur posts use Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket
      or for ur pics
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    Ich bin eine Waffe. Eine Waffe der Macht. Eine Waffe der Würde. Eine Kriegswaffe. Eine Waffe des Heils. Ich werde dich beschützen. Ich zeige dir meine Liebe. Ich gebe Ihnen meine Hoffnung. Ich bin ein spartanisch. Ein spartanisch niemals stirbt.

    Current Maps: ~Transgression (In Progress)~ ~Reach's Narrows (re-editing)~ ~Aerial (Planning Stage)~