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Jul 8, 2015 at 11:45 PM
Mar 16, 2009
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Senior Member
Dreaddraco2 was last seen:
Jul 8, 2015
    1. ♥ Sky
      ♥ Sky
      We need one of these: EMC Farming - 175 EMC/s - Darkroom - YouTube
    2. ♥ Sky
      ♥ Sky
      Is server up?
    3. Matty
    4. Matty
    5. Matty
      i remember it explains perfectly why 11 dimensions are predicted, but its a few lectures in.
    6. Elite Warrior5
      Elite Warrior5
      I thought you would be interested in the discussion here.
    7. Elite Warrior5
      Elite Warrior5
      -Elite Warrior5
    8. ♥ Sky
      ♥ Sky
      12:29 am ♥ Sky: kore wa zombie desu ka?
      12:31 am ♥ Sky: this (topic particle) zombie is (y/n question particle)
      12:32 am ♥ Sky: dread, u is a "weak" vowel in japanese and is sometimes ignored when speaking
      12:33 am ♥ Sky: daisuki becomes daiski, desu becomes des, arigatou becomes arigato
    9. Matty
      ah right.. well

      you should have a look for a nice area we can use. find somewhere with an L4 research agent, L3 and L2's nearby, and then scout out some of the quieter systems nearby. Look at the player traffic, and it will tell you how common the quiet areas are for miners and can flippers. You could also put the system into Eve online planetary interaction and see who hangs there and what planets are available.

      I like Amarr space because its really easy to get back to Jita, and Amarr is easily the 2nd most popular trade hub, so travelling is minimal
    10. Matty
      i mean you jettison a can when your ship is full, and i take the cargo back to a hangar while you continue mining.

      we would probably need someone else to cover for you, because you'll attract NPC rats. I know you say you can take them out, but ideally we should be mining in 0.5-0.6 sec if you still wish to avoid pvp, and get better quality ores..

      the money is still pretty crap though, that's why im thinking of putting PI and research with it, so in theory we could be manufacturing too.. make ships or popular ship parts and sell them?
    11. Matty
      i just get the cash sent to me from the player who refers me. I'm not going to train mining, but if we could find somewhere that has L1,2,3 and 4 missions for one of the major factions, there will probably be L4 research agents there too. If we can find some good planets and asteroid fields around there too, then we're sorted. I can cover you and haul, and do planetary interaction, and do research for passive income.

      The place i had found before was in the south area of Amarr territory,
    12. Matty
      thinking about starting eve again soon... so if i paid £10 i will get like 40 days of game time and 450m. Soooo we should have a little think about what to do with that money... if we found a good location, mining, PI and missions could be quite profitable.
    13. ♥ Sky
      ♥ Sky
      Tbh, I didn't choose that pic for fanservice. Everyone seems to draw her with small boobs when she's supposed to have the 2nd biggest pair in the anime.

      I think I'm winning 5-0 at the moment.
    14. Matty
      ambient events that you would find in an orwellian future-city is something to think about.
    15. Matty
      we're quite sure objects and items should be kept at a complete minimum, and don't think having every light intractable is a good way to go for stealth. However there is room for more interesting functions to be put into levels and enabled by consoles, for example a shut-off that kills the power to the whole area for a limited time, to provide assistance in enemy evasion.

      And with weather.. well. I really wan't days to feel completely different to nights. That means not just different climates, but different music, ambient npc's (distant crowds can be 2d) and an increase in player threat, perhaps simply through increased NPC presense. I'm unsure if weather would have any effects, i'd just like a strong variation in draw distances and lighting, and i think day/night cycle trumps creating certain day maps and certain night maps.. which is too linear.
    16. Matty

      Theres quite a complex map menu that would present a host of info, also a notoriety level specific to each area, that increases and decreases accordingly. The effects of this need to provoke a host of random and dynamic events for the player; eg increased npc presence, checkpoints,

      then theres a day/night cycle, maybe even weather, object physics, low poly natural environments...

      got lots of ideas, you should get SKYPE
    17. Matty
      yeah i'm hoping udk4 will be soon released. But are you at all interested in game mechanics?
    18. Matty
      buy shogun II
    19. WhackyGordon
    20. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      Thanks for clearing that up. :P
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    10:33 pm chrstphrbrnnn: I feel like I'm talking to furbys..all you do is repeat the same phrases with no justification
    10:35 pm chrstphrbrnnn: I wish you guys could accept how just plain wrong you are, but I know it'll never happen
    3:38 pm dreaddraco2: not seen lotr?
    3:38 pm dreaddraco2: what are you
    3:38 pm Black Theorem: not a nerd?
    3:38 pm ShaddoBlade: BT: Community Manager on a Halo website. Not a nerd.